Alternative Energy NewsNews on Alternative Energy continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Renewable energy still planned- July 4, 2008 THE Federal Government is forging ahead with its plan to massively boost renewable energy - a move likely to increase power prices. New legal challenge involving Highwood plant- July 4, 2008 There's a new legal challenge involving the Highwood Generating station. Environmentalists are concerned about the greenhouse gases that the plant would emit. Alternative fuels hit legal snags- July 4, 2008 With fuel prices soaring, Mark Nagurney thought he had figured out a clever way to drive free, and save the Earth at the same time. Western govs, utility heads seek energy solutions- July 3, 2008 Energy utility companies need regulatory and financial cooperation from state and federal governments to produce and distribute enough power for the West's growing population while also eliminating harmful ... Greenpeace blockades coal fired power station, demands Energy Revolution- July 3, 2008 The activists, including an ex-miner from the Hunter Valley, have blockaded the coal supply to the plant by locking on to the conveyor. ConocoPhillips funds C2B2 research- July 3, 2008 ConocoPhillips Co. , which plans to build a renewable energy center in Louisville, will provide $5 million for multiyear research conducted in partnership with the Boulder-based Colorado Center for Biorefining ... Greenpeace gives cautious welcome to India- July 3, 2008 International environment NGO Greenpeace Wednesday gave a cautious welcome to India's National Action Plan on Climate Change , calling it a good 'vision statement' but short on details. Mass. governor signs bill designed to dramatically raise state's reliance on renewable energy- July 3, 2008 Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick has signed a bill aimed at putting the state on a greener path. Solar application moratorium called off- July 3, 2008 The government said Wednesday it is calling off a recently announced moratorium on applications to build solar plants on public lands. Honda to debut hydrogen car at G8- July 2, 2008 Jul 2 - Honda showcases its alternative fuel car the FCX Clarity at the G8 summit in Japan. |