The Mac ObserverThe Mac Observer: You'll Get Your Mac News Here From Now On...Hot Forum Topic - Reader Reactions: iPhone 3G in Best Buy- August 13, 2008 Best Buy will begin selling Apple's popular iPhone 3G on September 7, and today TMO readers are sharing their thoughts on what that means for Apple Analyst: Best Buy's iPhone Sales Impact Minimal- August 13, 2008 Best Buy's deal with Apple to sell the iPhone 3G will help drive up holiday sales numbers for the combination iPod and smartphone, but not by much, according to UBS analyst Maynard Um. While the increase in iPhone sales will likely be incremental, the Best Buy deal could... Like Thought Intros Opacity Express- August 13, 2008 Like Thought announced the immediate availability of Opacity Express 1.0 on Wednesday. Opacity Express is a trimmed down version of the Opacity editor for screen graphics ShareTool 1.2.2 Adds Remote Printing Support- August 13, 2008 Yazsoft has acquired ShareTool from Banes Software, and released its own update for the remote Bonjour access application on Wednesday. ShareTool 1.2.2 added the ability to use remote printers and also gained a redesigned user interface iPodObserver - Best Buy to Sell iPhone 3G- August 13, 2008 The big box retailer Best Buy is set to become the first retailer outside of Apple and AT&T to sell the iPhone 3G in the United States on September 7. The company sports nearly 1,000 stores throughout the country that will dramatically increase the number locations potential iPhone... iPO iPO Quick Tip - iTunes: Resetting iPhone and iPod Warnings- August 13, 2008 The warning dialogs that iTunes displays, like to ask if you really want to delete applications from your iPhone, can get annoying after a while, so it's nice that Apple included an option to stop the dialogs from popping up. The problem is that Apple didn't exactly make it clear how to re-enable those... Microsoft Releases Two MS Office Updates- August 12, 2008 Microsoft released updates for both Office 2004 and Office 2008 for the Mac late on Tuesday iPodObserver - Walt Mossberg Describes New Future Created by iPhone- August 12, 2008 Walt Mossberg, at the Aspen, Colorado Ideas Festival last month, spoke about the rise and importance of the iPhone. He set the stage by pointing out that the Internet is not a place, but rather a pervasive utility. When we switch to that kind of thinking, the future enabled by the Apple iPhone comes... iPodObserver - T-Mobile Will Counter Apple with its Own App Store- August 12, 2008 T-Mobile, having taken note of Apple's successful App Store, plans to launch its own version in the fall, according to Net Nanny for Mac Released- August 12, 2008 ContentWatch announced the release of Net Nanny for the Mac on Tuesday. With the release, Net Nanny is now available for both Windows and Mac users |