The HeraldStories from the current online edition of The Herald.Trojan ranks ASU 137 on sexual health- April 28, 2008 Today, college students at ASU have plenty to worry about with grades, jobs, expenses and living arrangements. As if these things weren't enough, students - especially young women - also need to worry about how to prevent contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Ways to get the grades students want, deserve- April 28, 2008 The school year is almost over. But before students celebrate the end of the year they have to take their final exams. Cramming for those exams Really depending on that last final grade Here are some study tips to help prepare. First, it is important to know that all students study differently, no two study alike, some people study in groups better and some individually. We'll be seeing you- April 28, 2008 The year is almost over and what a year it has been. We have had to say farewell to the only mascot most of us have ever known and say hello to the new mascot for next year. But don't let the sadness of losing the Indians get to you. It is now time to say goodbye and to embrace the Red Wolves as our new mascot. Students ready for summer to begin- April 28, 2008 Whether they're going on vacations, internships, working, or getting ahead in school, most students already have summer planned out. Many students are focusing on earning money to help pay for school, and some are also getting career experience. "Hopefully, I'll be working with my aunt at a dental office," said Jake Davis, a freshman Biology and Pre-dental major from Piggott. A semester in stills and sound- April 28, 2008 The spring 2008 semester in stills and sound. From the Indian retirement to the Red Wolves unveiling to Dickey Nutt's resignation and Chelsea Clinton's visit. Twin Implosion set for May 25- April 28, 2008 Seminole Twin Towers will soon be gone as ASU prepares for the implosion of the 12-story dorm that housed up to 704 men. Guns should be off-limits on campus- April 28, 2008 Because of the shooting tragedies on the campuses of Northern Illinois and Virginia Tech Universities, there has been a lot of discussion recently about allowing people with a concealed handgun license to carry concealed firearms on college campuses. In fact there is an organization, Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, which is comprised of more than 25,000 students, faculty, parents of students and other concerned citizens, and this organization believes more guns should be allowed on our.. First softball tournament to honor fallen soldier- April 28, 2008 The first Erich Smallwood Softball Tournament will be held May 9 in honor of the fallen soldier. Smallwood was killed in action May 2007 in Iraq and Smallwood's brother, JT Smallwood, sister, Terah Redman, and brother-in-law, Jon Redman, came together to create the tournament as a way to give back to the community. Soccer to depend on Hopkins leadership in fall- April 28, 2008 When the Arkansas State women's soccer team hits the field this fall, there will be a new look as four seniors, including Chelsea Hopkins, lead 12 newcomers and the rest of the returning players as the newly named Red Wolves. "I think we have a lot of potential this up and coming fall season," Hopkins said. Yearbook takes photos from Facebook- April 28, 2008 The yearbook staff used photos posted on Facebook without the photographer's permission. According to Facebook's online terms and conditions, materials posted on its site can not be used for any purposes without permission from the owner or Facebook. Photojournalism major Paige Hannahs discovered that one of the photographs she had posted on Facebook was in the yearbook. |