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Feed items 11 - 15 of 15 for August 2008

The Dominion: All Stories

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The Importance of Being disEarnest - August 11, 2008

OTTAWA, ON - On August 6th 2008, returning from a trip to the West Bank and Israel, Liberal MP and External Affairs Critic Bob Rae spoke in the Canadian Senate about his views on the crisis in Palestine. Many were disenchanted with the inconsistency of his message. Rae flip-flopped on numerous points as they suited his message including the importance of the history of the conflict, the success of the Annapolis process, the legality of the occupation, and the basis for Canada's involvement...

The Coup in Context - August 11, 2008

A look behind the removal of Barriere Lake&039;s traditional government

DFAIT ministers: a defector and a senator - August 10, 2008

A low profile June 25th federal cabinet shuffle saw David Emerson, a businessperson who was a star candidate for the Liberal Party and crossed the floor into a cabinet post with the Conservatives shortly after the 2006 election, become the minister of foreign affairs. Montral banker and Harper appointed senator Michel Fortier (pictured) was moved from minister of public works and government services to minister of international trade. Christian Paradis became minister of public works and...

3000 women missing. They're saying we should do something. - August 9, 2008

A dedicated group is walking across the country to demand an inquiry into the 3000 women, mostly Indigenous, who have gone missing.

Extraction! now available online - August 8, 2008

Extraction! Comix Reportage, winner of the 2008 Expozine Alternative Press Award for best English language book & published by the now defunct Cumulus Press, has just been released online as a series of PDFs. Enjoy!
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- August (15 items)
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