Alternative NewsNews on Alternative continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Rocky Horror Picture Show: Dammit Janet, they're doing a remake- August 15, 2008 Shtick ... The Rocky Horror Picture Show with Tim Curry as Frank-N-Furter. Owen Gibson in London MORE than 30 years after they introduced the public to a "sweet transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania", the ... Head of Ark. Democrats dies in shooting; suspect killed- August 14, 2008 Police in Little Rock are trying to figure out why a man walked into the Democratic Party headquarters there, calmly asked for the state party chairman and fatally shot him. Clintons stunned by Arkansas shooting- August 13, 2008 Former President Clinton and New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton say they are stunned and shaken by Wednesday's shooting of Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman Bill Gwatney at state party headquarters. Rocky Horror Picture Show to be re-made- August 13, 2008 The Rocky Horror Picture Show is to be re-made, more than 30 years after the original version, which became one of the most popular musical movies of all time. Garlic Friendly Mosquito Alternative- August 13, 2008 Jason Salim was searching for an earth-friendly way to make money last year when he discovered the power of garlic. Maintaining strong bottom line: Positive survival strategies- August 12, 2008 Last month's article provided ideas business owners can implement during the difficult economic climate. Energy-efficiency research offers alternative to CPS nuke plant plans- August 12, 2008 Arjun Makhijani, a nuclear engineer and president of the Maryland-based Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, speaks to a group on the steps of City Hall in San Antonio. Harper should meet with premiers- August 12, 2008 It seemed like somewhat of a breakthrough for aboriginal groups when, last month, the Prime Minister's Office said it was considering holding a high-profile meeting with the premiers this fall, with aboriginal ... Katie Price, the Queen are linked in six steps- August 11, 2008 A new study has revealed that there is some sort of social connectivity that is constant in human beings, adding that Katie Price is linked to the Queen. Catch Kill Hannah at the Chameleon- August 10, 2008 Chicago alternative rockers Kill Hannah have released four studio albums, seven EPs, and three compilation albums, as well as one DVD. |