The Skinny Daily Post™<br>Short, daily essays on weight loss and fitness <br>from a really average woman who lost 100 lbs. <br>and works every day to keep it off.<br><br><br>Skinny Sick Day- February 3, 2004 Skinny Sick DaySorry folks. Taking a sick day from skinniness. A cold grabbed my asthmatic airways and is shaking them down. I'm drinking my fluids and watching old movies. Snoozing and sitting in steamy bathrooms. All the echinacea and Vity C and Zicam and Zinc couldn't quite fight my lifelong bronchitis, former smoking habit, and asthma.Much as a girl wants to be a rock, sometimes a girl can't beat a stampeding herd of rhino viruses. My goal: not letting it go to pneumonia. Oh the Staples... No One Will Love You: Oh, really- February 2, 2004 No One Will Love YouOh, reallyThere is some tiny part of me that admires spam authors. They used to be unimaginative hacks with four selling verbs under their belts. They had no idea how to lure someone at all, whether they peddled mortgages or biophysical miracles, websites or drugs. But lately, just lately, a new breed of spam peddler has surfaced who can write truly compelling headlines. Real grabbers. I got one today. The headline read:No one will love you if you are fat. And I thought, Oh,. |