The Only Nelly Furtado Fans ForumDiscuss Nelly Furtado with fans from all over the world. Get the latest news, photos, articles, songs, videos!Chris Crocker video- August 4, 2008 i think this video is the funniest one i have ever seen!! hahaha it makes me laugh so hard kHmvkRoEowc R.I.P. Don S Davis- August 4, 2008 I only just found out about it today; it's quite sad as I enjoyed his performance as General George Hammond in Stargate SG 1 and of course as Scully's father in The X Files. :( ---Quote (Originally by Don S. Davis (, best known to genre fans as Maj. Gen. George Hammond in the Stargate television and film franchise, died on June 29. He was 65. Davis was a co-star during the first seven years of "Stargate Sg-1." As a result of a medical condition,. Jak zaczeli&347;cie by&263; fanami Nelly- August 4, 2008 A wi&281;c mo&380;e b&281;dzie to i smutna historia ;) Niestety o Nelly dowiedzia&322;em si&281; dopiero w po&322;owie 2007 roku hmm a dlaczego bo kiedy ona ju&380; mia&322;a pierwszy album to ja mialem wtedy 8 lat tak&380;e muzyki to tylko czasem si&281; s&322;ucha&322;o i to byle czego w szko&322;ach nie by&322;o masy telefonw z mp3 i nikt nie zapuszcza&322; nowych hitw O drugim albumie te&380; nic nies&322;ysza&322;em chocia&380; wydaje mi si&281; &380;e s&322;ysza&322;em kilka jej piosenek. Beyonce's most great performance- August 4, 2008 i did this xD hope u like it pbiOSytBbj4 A video where nelly sitting in a- August 3, 2008 ive heard there is a video that nelly sits in a Image: She comes out a limo and a man says to her "c'mon miss furtado":P and she gonna sit in it. Does somebody have it. cuz me and Cheryl wanna see it so bad! Hope that somebody can help. Nelly w Niemieckim programie na VIVA- August 3, 2008 Ogl&261;da&322;em przed chwil&261; program na Niemieckiej Vivie w kt&243;rym by&322;a tak jakby walka Nelly Furtado vs Rihianna. I wygra&322;a Nelly!!!!!!Niestety nie wiem za co poniewa&380; nie lubie niemieckiego i go nie znam.Ale zrozumia&322;em to &380;e Nelly pomog&322;a szczero&347;&263; w rozomowie i ten jej s&322;ynny &347;miech hahahaha. Coldplay - Viva La Vida (New Video)- August 3, 2008 I love the song but the video emmm is a little bit boring xD kvIoCdq46fg Second Version xD SH0JAkMLbrA I am- August 2, 2008 czy kto&347; tego s&322;ucha&322; je&380;eli nie to polecam bo jest to naprawde dobry utwr (zreszt&261; jak i ca&322;a reszta ) Nelly Furtado on The New Paul O'Grady Show- August 2, 2008 Witam znalaz&322;em filmik z podobno jednego z najlepszych program&243;w z serii Paul O'Grady Show w kt&243;rym go&347;ciem jest oczywi&347;cie Nelly Furtado.I tutaj pro&347;ba (najprawdopodobniej do Lidki) o przet&322;umaczenie mi tego wywiadu.Z g&243;ry dzi&281;ki za odpowiedz. News about Broken String!- August 2, 2008 ---Quote--- IVE heard JAMES MORRISONs duet with NELLY FURTADO and the Smart money is on a No1 for the gravel-voiced warbler. The Cornish soulster has teamed up with Maneater singer Nelly to deliver new ballad Broken Strings, and Ive had an exclusive listen. For months James has been holed up in the studio working on his next album. His debut Undiscovered, which went straight to No1, will be a hard act to follow though. Its hard to believe James failed his music A-level in spectacular... |