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Feed items 41 - 50 of 52 for July 2008

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The ring you all would like to use - July 19, 2008

Hola! (HI!):) Meow, i was long time out from BITS, je, this is so diferent, well, i've been studin, and i had to made a Ring in a Software called Auto-CAD, i didn't enjoy this homework, until i learned how to add texture. i've made a Video ( abouth this ring, i hope you like it, and is so sad to know that the ring is not real... i also have a pic from the ring, some friends has wanted that i send them the pic... well you can download it from my MySpace...

Download Get Loose Open Air Tour Audios - July 19, 2008

you can download some of the songs from my website, im adding more songs later. bye

Nelly Furtado w filmie Max Payne - July 19, 2008

S&322;ysza&322;em &380;e Nelly ma wzi&261;&347;&263; udzia&322; w Filmie Max Payne.Widzia&322;em wiele komentarzy ktre wy&347;miewa&322;y Nelly &380;e nie umie gra&263; i &380;e jest za ma&322;o do&347;wiadczona co do tak du&380;ej produkcji.Ja uwa&380;am &380;e jest to nieprawd&261; bo jak gra&322;a w CSI New York wychodzi&322;o jej to przednio.A wy co o tym my&347;licie

The Dark Knight - July 19, 2008

I searched and there dosen't seem to be a thread for it. Anyhoo, I saw it at Imax on Thursday; looked awesome on the massive screen. Everyone cheered and clapped as it started. Great performances from all the actors, Heath Ledger played a wonderfully menacing Joker. Definitely one of the best Batman movies I've seen in a long time. 1010

I will use... - July 18, 2008

This one is for tell a song and for what u will use it, or would like to use it Example: Childhood Dreams: For my Wedding sm_clap

G&322;osuj na Nelly w MTV VMA 2008 - July 18, 2008

VMA czyli Video Music Awards. (moonmen's :D) Glosowanie zaczyna sie w Piatek 18 Lipca o 8pm czasu wschodnioamerykanskiego czyli o 2 w nocy we wtorek w polsce. http:www.mtv.comontvvma2008 Glosujcie codziennie, to zobaczycie znowu nelly na zywo jak odbiera statuetke :D.Jest juz podobny temat w anglojezycznym forum ale pomyslalem ze moze nie wszyscy polacy tam zagladaja to zalozylem tutaj.

Nevis Furtado-Informacje!!! - July 18, 2008

Witam w tym temacie chcia&322;bym aby dodawa&263; wszystkie najnowsze inforamcje zdj&281;cia video na temat pi&281;cioletnej c&243;rki Nelly czyli Nevis Furtado. Ja narazie znalaz&322;em tylko to ale my&347;le &380;e razem znajdziemy wi&281;cej!!! LINK REMOVED

Nelly Furtado - Pa' Mi Gente Bonita - Nowy Album - July 18, 2008

Witam jestem nowy na tym forum i uwa&380;am &380;e jest ono bardzo interesuj&261;ce bo jest o mojej ulubionej piosenkarce i bardzo dobrym cz&322;owieku.Ale do rzeczy mj kolega niedawno s&322;ucha&322; w brazylii p&322;yte Nelly Furtado - Pa' Mi Gente Bonita i uwa&380;a &380;e jest &347;wietna nagrana wsplnie z Juanes-em.Ca&322;a po Hiszpa&324;sku. Ok&322;adka Image: http:up.programosy.plfotonelly_furtado_-_pa'_mi_gente_bonita_dw_1_min.jpg ...

VMA 2008: Vote for Do It and In God's Hands! - July 18, 2008

Vote for Nelly at the 2008 MTV VMAs! http:www.mtv.comontvvma2008best-female-video Click on the link to vote for 'Do It' and 'In God's Hands'! You have only untill July 23 to cast your vote. Let's do it for Nelly! Keep voting and ask your friends to vote as well! http:www.mtv.comontvvma2008best-female-video

Nelly em Kyiv - July 17, 2008

Em portugu&234;s tudo sobre a ida da nelly a Kyiv e sobre a conferencia que ela deu l&225;. http:ucrania-mozambique.blogspot.com200807nelly-furtado-em-kyiv.html Segundo eles: ---Quote--- O concerto em Kyiv p&244;s o ponto da sua digrass&227;o europeia, ap&243;s a Ucr&226;nia, Nelly Furtado ira para Canada, e depois planeia descansar na Inglaterra e Gr&233;cia. A seguir, come&231;ar&225; a trabalhar num novo &225;lbum, que ser&225; cantado em espanhol ---End Quote---
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