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Feed items 11 - 19 of 19 for August 2008

How cool is this ... - August 7, 2008

Metallica- In Classical Format Or maybe Gregorian suits you better ... Ahh- how 'bout Nothing Else Matters ala Christina Aguilara- only better accompaniment No Then lets go back to the inspiration...

Movie Review: The Savages - August 7, 2008

The Savages Jon Savage and his sister Wendy dont get along too well and they would both prefer not to try. Growing up with an abusive and absentee father, neither one has any idea about how to live in a loving family unit. But when they get the news that their elderly father Lenny is starting to show signs of dementia, and that his girlfriend's family refuses to care for him any longer, the

Book Review: Lover Enshrined - August 6, 2008

Lover Enshrined. I think because I've read so many reviews warning that LE was more urban fantasy than paranormal romance, I came out with a more favorable impression than I might have if not warned. Then again maybe I would of liked it just the same without the warning, because I personally thought it was romantic enough. I read so many different kinds of books, some with no sex & romance

(Untitled) - August 5, 2008

Book-a-rama brought my attention to this intriguing piece from The Huffington Post via BookCrazy . Note this: "But, for the most part, these blogs don't actually review books. Instead, they cover the business of books, book culture, and the world of the author. Yes, they often link to reviews--but, ironically, they're usually of the dead tree variety." Can you believe that crap First off most

Book Review: Lover Unbound - August 4, 2008

Lover Unbound by J R Ward. This weekend I took it easy, did some reading, and watched a few movies. I finally got to read JR Wards Lover Unbound. I wasnt sure what I was going to think of these last two- I have Lover Enshrined to read as well- because Ive heard so many mixed reviews on them. But as far as Lover Unbound goes- yeah, I liked it. Lover Unbound picks up directly after Lover

For the Crusaders ... - August 2, 2008

Remember that thing Kristie J had going for North and South I can't help thinking she's a huge part of making are man Armitage a pop culture phenom!' Exclusive 'Robin Hood' scoop from Richard Armitage! Hot Damn, will you look at that grrrrrr!

Oh Laaaadieeees! A BOOK GIVE AWAY! - August 1, 2008

The lovely GENEROUS Gals over at Bookbinge are having a contest giving away two of the most anticipated books of the Year: ACHERON! & Breaking Dawn! What are you still doing here GO ENTER!

Breaking news ... - August 1, 2008

Head over to Book Binge and get a gander at this year's RWA segment on The Today Show that aired this morning ... I Spotted Katiebabs browsing books!

FYI ... - August 1, 2008

My previously posted review of Love in the Time of Cholera is up at Lights, Camera ...History!
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