The Gun Toting Liberal BlogGUNTOTINGLIBERAL.COMTOP POST: today's post is directly beneath this announcement- February 25, 2006 Government intends to "google" your personal records and information without restraint- February 25, 2006 If this doesn't scare the hell out of you, then nothing will. Have you ever heard of data-mining If not, you are going to be introduced to it here today. Since I'm not much of a "techie", let me just break it down to a "non-digital" analogy for you.Data-mining is a technology which will enable the Government to come into your home without a warrant, without your knowledge, and without your consent; then root through your drawers; peek under your bed; break into your fireproof safe and look at... Finally weighing in on the ports deal between the U.S. and the U.A.E.- February 24, 2006 Why such a deafening silence in right wing bloggosphere regarding the South Dakota Senate's new abortion ban law- February 23, 2006 GOP Spokesman for Bush-Cheney Campaign blasts Wal-Mart and joins Wal-Mart Watch group- February 22, 2006 I just love it when these rare circumstances arise where a politician actually goes as far as to put what is best for his or her country ahead of what is best for the party. The readers of the Gun Toting Liberal blog can count on me to tip the hat to those brave politicians who dare to do just that, as rare as it might be. This news (source: Washington Post) actually happened last week, so if you've heard it before, please pardon me. For the most part, it slid under the media's "radar screen",.. Digging tunnels under border from Mexico to U.S. is not yet a crime California Senator seeks to rectify this rediculous oversight- February 22, 2006 Holy moly, who'da thunk it - digging tunnels to infiltrate the United States from Mexico is not yet a criminal act! Is this rediculous, or what The answer would be "yes, yes, it IS indeed rediculous".Senator Diane Feinstein thinks it is rediculous, too (source: Yahoo News):Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) proposed a legislative package making the financing or construction of a tunnel beneath an international border into the United States a criminal act, punishable by up to 20 years in... A Game of Chicken, Anyone- February 22, 2006 Nigerian officials are close to determining that the source of the outbreak of Avian flu in that country was caused by the import or smuggling of domestic birds.If it turns out that trade, not nature, was responsible for introducing H5N1 to Africa, better control of trade in domesticated birds may be able to limit the virus's spread there and on other continents, public health experts said. -- Washington PostWhile the immediate economic impact of the flu transmitting through poultry movement... Arab American groups label fellow Citizens who oppose port deal "biggots"- February 21, 2006 (source: US News, link is in title; HT to Ace)WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Arab-Americans contended on Tuesday that bias and bigotry, not security concerns, lay behind the uproar over a deal that would place commercial operations at six U.S. ports in the hands of an Arab company.These buffoons just don't get it, do they This is not "biggotry". They can shove their race card powerplay where the "sun don't shine" as far as I am concerned.I have no doubt that there would be very little if any outcry by.. Supreme Court of the U.S. rules unanimously in favor of church members to continue use of illegal narcotic- February 21, 2006 Wow! Today's ruling by the SCOTUS should open up a whole slough of new debates on freedom of religious expression. Today's big news out of the Supreme Court today is, of course, it's agreement to hear arguments as to the Constitutionality of the Government's partial birth abortion ban (source: Washington Post). But there is other news out of the Supreme Court today; news that seems to be falling under the MSM's radar screen. The nation's highest court has ruled unanimously in favor of a small... Creative Coalition Director leaves O'Reilly speechless after Bill bashes actor Alec Baldwin for comparing Dick Cheney to a "terrorist"- February 21, 2006 |