StandblogTristan Nitot sur les standards du Web, les navigateurs et la technologieActu des standards- July 22, 2008 Excellente nouvelle que l'ouverture du blog Mozilla sur les standards, avec un premier billet : Building the Web, One Spec at a Time, o Arun, ancien Netscape (on travaillait ensemble en 2002... sur les standards) fait le tour de ce qu'il y a dans les tuyaux ; Paris Web 2008 aura lieu les 13, 14 et 15 novembre 2008, et un appel propositions vient d'tre lanc. A vos claviers ! Samedi 9 aout 2008 partir de 13h00 se tiendra Paris le pique-nique W3Caf au parc Andr Citron (rien que.. Challenges for the Mozilla project- July 22, 2008 I recently compared the Mozilla project's state 5 years ago with today, and cried Victory. I reckon I declared victory in a provocative way, as I must say. Of course, a lot has been achieved during the past 10 years, but Mozilla is now facing another set of challenges. Here is an attempt to list them: More competition on the desktop Microsoft finally seems to get its acts together and is reinvesting in Internet Explorer. IE7 was just a start, but IE8 sounds promising, at least in terms of... Actu Mozilla- July 20, 2008 Sortie de Firefox 3.0.1, dont voici les notes de version ; William Quiviger, ancien de, vient de rejoindre Mozilla, o il s'occupera du marketing communautaire en Europe. Bienvenue chez les fous, William ! (Jane en parle, et William se prsente sur son blog). De nombreux lecteurs m'ont envoy un lien vers cet article : Le logiciel libre traqu par les annonceurs publicitaires, me demandant si effectivement, Mozilla tait poursuivi en justice pour cause de blocage de pop-ups... Mozilla Foundation turns 5, and I declare Victory- July 16, 2008 According to these documents, Mozilla Foundation was incorporated on July 14th, 2003. It's been five years. Five years that come on top of the five years under Netscape's structure. Five years during which the community has experienced pretty much all the range of possible emotions, from hopelessness (when Netscape gave up) to victory1. What seemed desperate in 2003 is now a daily reality. We're approaching 200 million active users. I remember in 2003, I was going through some outplacement... |