Waite Park NewsLocal news for Waite Park, MN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Letter: An explanation is needed for Moyle's murder in jail- July 17, 2008 I read the story again in the July 11 Waite Park Newsleader about the senseless killing of Carl Moyle by Bruce Christenson while in the Sherburne County Jail.http://www.topix.net/city/waite-park-mn/2008/07/letter-an-explanation-is-needed-for-moyles... Work begins on West Side Service Center- July 17, 2008 Times photo by Kimm Anderson, kandersonstcloudtimes.com A worker from Marson Contractors stops to talk to a bulldozer operator Monday as crews begin work on Stearns County's new West Side Service Center, off ...http://www.topix.net/city/waite-park-mn/2008/07/work-begins-on-west-side-service-center?fr... Helping hands: St. Cloud Lions donate $5,000 to fire department, $2,500 to police department- July 15, 2008 Gary Curtis of Waite Park Fire Department thanked St. Cloud Lions Club President Ted Takala for the club's $5,000 donation for cold water rescue equipment.http://www.topix.net/city/waite-park-mn/2008/07/helping-hands-st-cloud-lions-donate-5-000-... |