Apple Valley NewsLocal news for Apple Valley, MN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.The Breakdown: Apple Valley- August 14, 2008 According to coach Mike Fritze , the Eagles should rely on their experience, speed and work ethic in the always tough Lake Conference. LEED rival aims to expand in MN- August 13, 2008 A municipal liquor store under construction in Apple Valley is in line to become the first Green Globes certified building in the state. Liquor Store Clerk Convicted In Drunken Teen Crash- August 12, 2008 Aug 11, 2008 10:58 pm USCentral Reporting John Lauritsen A liquor store clerk who sold booze to a teenager is headed to jail. Zoo's up-close exhibits bring enhanced security- August 10, 2008 "Get closer than nature intended." That's the Minnesota Zoo's playful come-on this summer, drawing swarms of people to a new exhibit designed to bring your nose to within inches of a massive grizzly with ... New, moving or expanding: GrandStay adds location- August 8, 2008 GrandStay Hospitality of St. Augusta opened its new hotel in July in Sheboygan, Wis. Apple Valley grads will play final hometown gig before heading to elite music schools- August 6, 2008 They grew up a block from each other and played in the same jazz bands. Now Stephanie Wieseler and Michael Linden are headed for Boston, where, as elite college musicians, they'll attend school less than a mile ... Charges escalate in Valleyfair beating- August 6, 2008 The brutal beating of a father at Valleyfair may leave him without the use of his right eye -- a development that led Scott County authorities to upgrade the charges Tuesday against 19-year-old suspect Derry ... Apple Valley making efficiency its new tradition- August 6, 2008 Gary Connett's mother bought a new refrigerator in 1973, the year he graduated from high school. Apple Valley Medical Center Physicians Remind Parents to Immunize Children Before School- August 5, 2008 "Preventing diseases is always better than treating them," said Amy Diede, M.D., family physician with the Apple Valley Medical Clinic, located within the Apple Valley Medical Center. Metal Judas Priest- August 3, 2008 Today: Now this is how you do it! Figuring it might take a little something extra to hold onto fans' attention now that lead singer Rob Halford is firmly back in the fold, Judas Priest went all out in making ... |