Tupelo NewsLocal news for Tupelo, MS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Tupelo CVB eyes new home, new year- August 14, 2008 BY CARLIE KOLLATH Daily Journal TUPELO - The Tupelo Convention and Visitors Bureau says sales tax revenues were up 7.27 percent for May, money that was received in July.http://www.topix.net/city/tupelo-ms/2008/08/tupelo-cvb-eyes-new-home-new-year?fromrss=1 Bodock Festival picnic set for Tuesday night- August 13, 2008 By REGINA BUTLER Progress Staff Writer Bodock week is kicking off this Tuesday at 7 p.m. with a picnic style banquet on the lawn of the community house and a special performance at the First Methodist Church on ...http://www.topix.net/city/tupelo-ms/2008/08/bodock-festival-picnic-set-for-tuesday-night?f... East Main Street business burns- August 13, 2008 PHOTO:Thomas Wells By Emily Le Coz Daily Journal TUPELO - Thick plumes of black smoke billowed over east Tupelo on Monday as a warehouse stocked with flammable materials burned for most of the morning and into ...http://www.topix.net/city/tupelo-ms/2008/08/east-main-street-business-burns?fromrss=1 ONLINEXTRA:Elvis Presley Church Video- August 12, 2008 Video and photo by Deste Lee On Saturday, the church was unveiled in honor of Tupelo's 31st annual Fan Appreciation Day, marking the Aug.http://www.topix.net/city/tupelo-ms/2008/08/onlinextra-elvis-presley-church-video?fromrss=... Is 'Toyota Way' the right way- August 11, 2008 Toyota, the company that Mississippi taxpayers paid $323.9 million-plus to build a plant near Tupelo, is battling allegations that its subcontractors in Japan force employees to work 16-hour days, seven days a ...http://www.topix.net/city/tupelo-ms/2008/08/is-toyota-way-the-right-way?fromrss=1 Elvis Presley's Church:From church, to home, to church again- August 11, 2008 PHOTO:Deste Lee Elvis fans wait to go inside the restored Assembly of God Church of East Tupelo during the 31st annual Elvis Presley Fan Appreciation Day on Saturday in Tupelo at the birthplace site.http://www.topix.net/city/tupelo-ms/2008/08/elvis-presleys-church-from-church-to-home-to-c... County primed to fight annex- August 10, 2008 BY EMILY LE COZ Daily Journal TUPELO - Lee County supervisors voted Monday to oppose Tupelo's annexation plans, with some saying it's now too late to make a deal even if the city votes on a compromise.http://www.topix.net/city/tupelo-ms/2008/08/county-primed-to-fight-annex?fromrss=1 Kidnapping suspects arrested; victim unhurt- August 9, 2008 BY DANZA JOHNSON Daily Journal TUPELO - Police have three men in custody in connection with an alleged Thursday morning kidnapping of a man held for ransom.http://www.topix.net/city/tupelo-ms/2008/08/kidnapping-suspects-arrested-victim-unhurt?fro... Tired of the same old thing- August 9, 2008 By Ginna Parsons Daily Journal Wallcoverings are once again in fashion and interior designer Stephen Thompson could not be happier.http://www.topix.net/city/tupelo-ms/2008/08/tired-of-the-same-old-thing?fromrss=1 Holly Springs agency wants to take over Head Start- August 8, 2008 BY EMILY LE COZ Daily Journal TUPELO - A Holly Springs agency wants to take over the area's embattled Head Start program from a group that gained temporary authority over the three-county service in April.http://www.topix.net/city/tupelo-ms/2008/08/holly-springs-agency-wants-to-take-over-head-s... |