Arlington NewsLocal news for Arlington, VT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Bound Volumes- August 14, 2008 Almost every summer, at one time or another, this section of the country is treated to a severe hail and wind storm. A songstress with something for everyone- August 11, 2008 "Straight to the heart," is how Pink's Alley owner Nancilee Kennedy in Manchester describes the voice and musical character of LA artist Susan Gabriel . Norman's Attic: crafts and tag sale all-in-one- August 9, 2008 Norman's Attic Craft Fair and Tag Sale will take place from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. Shires to host open house at future welcome center in Arlington- August 7, 2008 The community is invited to tour the future site of The Shires of Vermont Welcome Center on Saturday, Aug. It's all in the gearing at Lyme disease bike race- August 3, 2008 Ken Cestone, 70, of Bennington started riding a bicycle again about 10 years ago, after years of road running and playing tennis resulted in too many injuries that took too long to recover from. Two towns in dispute over $70K- August 1, 2008 A financial dispute between two local school districts that has already created some tension could result in court action if left unresolved. Two face child sex charges- August 1, 2008 In unrelated cases, two men were arraigned in Bennington District Court on Wednesday for sexually abusing 4-year-old female relatives. |