Trevor F. Smith: ExteriorA public record of my projects and related works.Kansas City is in Missouri- May 30, 2008 File this site with and Sticky Ideas- May 30, 2008 You know when you have ideas which just won't go away; those nagging little realizations that the state of the world isn't optimal and that you might know how to make it better given a little time to run experiments... A Tale of Two Online Cities- May 7, 2008 As I approach the two year anniversary of my first public post about the Ogoglio project, Foundations, I happen to be in a period of introspection; at a pivot point in my life. Coincidentally, I've also had the chance to... Links, Begone!- May 6, 2008 Now that Google Reader has added a few much needed features, I'll no longer be using One side effect is that my link feed will no longer be added to this weblog. If you'd like to see what I... "Little Brother" Speed Reader- May 5, 2008 Since Cory was nice enough to release his new book under an open license, I mixed up a "Little Brother" speed reader. Enjoy! links for 2008-05-02- May 2, 2008 Canvas 3D Extension Update at Vladimir Vukievi An update to Vladimir's work to bring OpenGL bindings to an HTML element in Firefox. (tags: 3pointD) |