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Feed items 11 - 20 of 50 for June 2008

Telegraph Opinion

Comment from The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph

Baby photos that fall foul of the PC police - June 27, 2008

How has a naked child become something to censor rather than protect Lesley Thomas is perplexed.

Will Thabo Mbeki ever find the courage to tell Robert Mugabe where to get off - June 27, 2008

Zimbabwean tyrant Robert Mugabe will declare victory after the election run-off, but no one will believe him, writes David Blair.

Gordon Brown can lay the ground for Labour's next generation - June 27, 2008

The vacuum created by Gordon Brown's weak leadership has opened up an interesting space, into which younger, ambitious ministers are leaping, writes John Kampfner.

David Cameron should slash the public payroll - June 27, 2008

Questioning the size of the state is not a betrayal of the public services, argues George Bridges.

Wendy Alexander silenced by a sore throat and political rivals - June 27, 2008

Alan Cochrane couldn't believe his luck when he heard that Wendy Alexander had lost her voice and wouldn't be up for her joust with Alex Salmond.

Terry Wogan's World - June 22, 2008

Terry Wogan's spy in the far-off Fens reports that a ne'er-do-well there has been hauled before the beak, for not one, but two staring offences.

Hard-line bishops make a mess of it in the Holy Land - June 20, 2008

If it was being held in a brewery, its a fair bet that the organisers of the supposedly greatest threat to authority in the Church since the Reformation would not be feeling particularly tipsy, writes George Pitcher.

Abu Hamza: he's not gone yet - June 20, 2008

Abu Hamza, the hook-handed cleric jailed for stirring up religious hatred, may have lost his appeal against extradition to America, but this does not necessarily mean he will go, writes Philip Johnston.

The Lisbon Treaty has not yet been formally ratified - June 20, 2008

Gordon Brown has been forced to concede that the Treaty's formal ratification cannot happen until Lord Justice Richards has made his ruling next week, writes Philip Johnston.

Can desert kingdom Saudi Arabia take the heat out of oil price bubble - June 20, 2008

Saudi Arabia and many other Opec producers insist production levels are the same as a year ago, and that without the speculators' unwelcome involvement, prices would be a more comfortable $80 per barrel, writes Con Coughlin.
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