SQLSummit.com Webcasts about XML, SQL, XQuery, Web Services and Grid ComputingVideo programs for RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, QuickTime and video iPod players. An MP3 podcast is also available.Federated Identities: Overlooked Threats- (Found June 29, 2008 ) Thor Larholm, Senior Security Researcher at PivX, explains the benefits and threats of federated identities. He also discusses solutions such as load balancers and stateful firewalls (webcast and podcast, running time 9:03).http://www.webservicessummit.com/TLarholm.htm Webcast (free): Optimizing SQL, Stress Testing and Performance Management- (Found June 29, 2008 ) Hit your SQL Server 2005 target - watch the free Kevin Kline Webcasthttp://ads.quest.com/KenNorthSQLSummitcomTextlinksToadforSQL0606 |