Trolleyville USAOur collection of electric trolleys and streetcars is well known by rail enthusiasts as one of the finest and largest operating electric railway museums. Trolleyville currently has over 40 cars in our collection, in various states of repair and restoration. At least 12 of our cars are currently rail-ready and operational.Cleveland breaks ground for $200 million transit corridor- (Found June 29, 2008 ) CLEVELAND, OHIO-- November 2, 2004 -- OhioNewsNow -- Community leaders broke ground Tuesday on a long-planned $200 million mass-transit corridor meant to speed bus riders between Cleveland's two biggest job centers and spur a revival of the city's once-vibrant retail heart. U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta, whose agency will provide $80 million from a program that promotes bus service over more expensive commuter rail lines, participated in the groundbreaking and predicted the... RTA offers Northeast Ohioans a trip down Memory Lane- (Found June 29, 2008 ) CLEVELAND -- Nov. 21, 2003 -- Take RTAs Blue, Green or Red Lines downtown this holiday season for a trip back in time. On Saturdays, Nov. 29, Dec. 6 and Dec. 13, RTA will host the Cleveland Memories Exhibit at its Tower City Center Station, offering a nostalgic look back at growing up in Cleveland. The free exhibit consists of a photo display of holidays past, special appearances by local TV stars of the 60s and 70s, and guided tours of vintage streetcars. The exhibit will be open from 10... RTA studies trolley-style buses as replacements on Loop routes- (Found June 29, 2008 ) CLEVELAND -- Nov 25, 2003 -- from Cleveland Plain Dealer RTA's 11 downtown Loop buses are likely to be replaced next year by new buses that look like old-fashioned trolleys. Plans for the new look emerged from talks between the Regional Transit Authority and a downtown business association hoping to promote more shopping and tourism in the city. Joe Marinucci, executive vice president of the Downtown Cleveland Partnership, said the trolley look would be "more identifiable and hopefully would... Trolleyfest 2004 tentative date set- (Found June 29, 2008 ) CLEVELAND -- Dec 12, 2003 -- Trolleyville USA has announced that the next Trolleyfest is tentatively scheduled for August 2004. Locations will include Olmsted Township, downtown Cleveland, and other sites to be announced. Past events have been seen attendance greater than 10,000 visitors. Trolleyfest 2004 will offer with vendors, clinics and a wide variety of other trolley, streetcar and interurban-related activities. Online membership application now available- (Found June 29, 2008 ) CLEVELAND -- Dec 15, 2003 -- Trolleyville membership applications are now available via our website. Prospective members may choose from a wide range of membership options, starting at only $10 for students and seniors. Member dues are used exclusively to support the Trolleyville museum. Please visit our website for more information. Email newsletter sign-up- (Found June 29, 2008 ) CLEVELAND -- Dec 17, 2003 -- The Trolleyville newsletter is now available via US Mail or electronic mail. The newsletter is published at least bi-monthly and sometimes more frequently. We are also working on adding past newsletter archives to our website. Please visit our website to sign-up for either version of the newsletter. Either version of the newsletter is free! Houston Light Rail Line Opens- (Found June 29, 2008 ) HOUSTON -- Jan. 01, 2004 -- Associated Press -- The nation's fourth-largest city has at least one New Year's resolution: Take the train. Amid a festival-like atmosphere and thousands of people who waited hours in line for a ride, Houston's $324 million light rail system made its inaugural trips on Thursday. The 7.5-mile starter line with 16 stations will offer service at $1 per ride from downtown south to Reliant Stadium, where the NFL's Houston Texans play. After years of debate and false... Number of riders on RTA climbs slightly in 2003- (Found June 29, 2008 ) CLEVELAND -- Jan. 22, 2004 -- Cleveland Plain Dealer -- Rich Exner -- RTA ridership rebounded some last year, with the transit agency reporting Wednesday its first yearly gain in passengers since 1997. "We believe we have turned the corner and expect even more riders in 2004," General Manager Joe Calabrese said. The Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority carried 53.5 million riders on its buses and trains in 2003, an increase of 1.5 percent over the record-low ridership of 52.7 million in. End of an era: 50th anniversary of last streetcar in Cleveland- (Found June 29, 2008 ) CLEVELAND -- Jan. 23, 2004 -- Cleveland Plain Dealer -- Rich Exner -- The No. 4051 streetcar rolled west from Public Square in the wee hours of the morning, dipping to the lower level of the Detroit-Superior Bridge. It emerged from Cleveland's old subway at West 25th Street and Franklin Boulevard, headed west and reached the end of the line at Madison and Spring Garden avenues in Lakewood at 1:35 a.m. It was the end of an era. Fifty years ago Saturday Jan. 24, 1954 the last streetcar line in... Lakefront could get housing, cable cars- (Found June 29, 2008 ) CLEVELAND -- Mar. 24, 2004 -- Cleveland Plain Dealer -- Tom Breckenridge -- Downtown's drowsy lakefront could buzz with life, teeming with thousands of visitors and residents lured by new housing, two new marinas and entertainment ranging from cable-car rides to a trolley-car museum. It's all part of a proposed plan for the downtown shoreline, to be unveiled in a public meeting at 6:30 tonight at the Cleveland Convention Center. At a media preview Tuesday, city planners and consultants showed... |