Turk-Rail at Yahoo! GroupsTurk-Rail: all about rail in TurkeyRe: Steam locomotive- June 16, 2008 Jim In my understanding, 56548 was repaired by a private sucontractor on behalf of TCDD who is still the owner of this loco. TCDD heated up also 56009 severalhttp://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Turk-Rail/message/2482 Re: Steam locomotive- June 16, 2008 Jim, I don't remember the name of the company in Izmir. Two friends and I saw "Skyliner" 56359 last summer at Cankiri. She was operational. However, the shedhttp://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Turk-Rail/message/2481 Steam locomotive- June 15, 2008 Thanks for the interesting information about 56548 Derya.Would you know how to contact the company in Izmir with a view to using it. Are there any other steamhttp://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Turk-Rail/message/2480 Railfilm- June 14, 2008 Dear Friends the dead line for the registration has been prolonged till June 22nd, and the competition is open also for professional filmmakers.http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Turk-Rail/message/2479 Re: Steam locomotive- June 14, 2008 A private company has restored 56548 at Izmir and she is now operational. She was brought to Haydarpasa for about a week towards the end of May and reportedlyhttp://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Turk-Rail/message/2478 |