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Feed items 11 - 15 of 15 for September 2008

The Reality Check

In Defense of Reason and Common Sense... For the Sake of God and Country

Obamas Judgment and Iraq - September 15, 2008

by Jon J. Willig Despite his lack of any substantive foreign policy experience, the Obama campaign continues to bloviate regarding Senator Obama being the best qualified to be Commander-in-Chief because only he had the judgment to make the tough decision against the use of force in Iraq. This argument is not only hackneyed, but ...

Judge Agrees, Patriotic Banner OK for Classroom - September 15, 2008

A Federal judge said that it was OK for a Poway, California school teacher to sue his school district for forcing him to remove a banner that featured well known, patriotic American references to God in an early September ruling. Math teacher Brad Johnson who teachers at Westview High in San Diego County, California, had ...

Taxes, Unions, and Regulations Matter - September 15, 2008

To picture what Senator Obamas economic policies hold in store for the United States look at the destructive impact of those policies in individual states. The New England States and New York once were the industrial heartland of the United States. After the Civil War, industrial growth moved westward into Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and neighboring states. ...

Democrats seek new voter base - September 15, 2008

A community organizer (where have we heard that term), Monica Bell, in Orlando, Florida is signing up new voters but her quarry are not your usual prospective voters. Ms. Bell is looking for former convicts to add to the states voter list. Bell has good news for former convicts; Florida Governor Charlie Crist signed into law ...

The New York Times Continues the Attack on Palin - September 15, 2008

One would think that a major newspaper facing declining revenues and readership would carefully consider whether continuing a partisan attack on a very popular candidate for high national office is a prudent course of action. Particularly when the press has very low public approval ratings. Yet The New York Times continues its attacks on Governor ...
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- September (15 items)
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