TOCWOC - A Civil War BlogThe Order of Civil War Obsessively Compulsed - Informed Amateurs Blog the American Civil War17th Military History Carnival Posted- September 17, 2008 The 17th Edition of the Military History Carnival is posted&8230;but this one looks like submissions were few and far between. Before I chastise anyone else, I&8217;ll cast the first stone at myself. For the first time in awhile I failed to nominate one or two posts of my fellow Civil War bloggers. One post which ... Peter Cozzens to Appear on Civil War Talk Radio September 19, 2008- September 16, 2008 While listening to the September 12, 2008 edition of Civil War Talk Radio, I heard Gerry P. mention Peter Cozzens as his next guest. I presume Gerry and Cozzens will be talking about Shenandoah 1862: Stonewall Jackson&8217;s Valley Campaign, Cozzens&8217; new book. The show airs live at 12 pm Pacific on Friday, September 19. Make ... Review: The Women Will Howl by Mary Deborah Petite- September 15, 2008 The Women Will Howl: The Union Capture of Roswell and New Manchester, Georgia, and the Forced Relocation of Mill Workers by Mary Deborah Petite ISBN 978-0-7864-3168-7 McFarland &38; Company, Inc., Publishers, 2008 187 Pages - Hardcover (7 x 10) - $45 Photos &38; Illustrations, Appendix, Notes, Bibliography, Index Information wanted: My widowed daughter, Eliza Ray, was ... Review: The 11th Wisconsin in the Civil War: A Regimental History by Christopher C. Wehner- September 15, 2008 Christopher C. Wehner. The 11th Wisconsin in the Civil War: A Regimental History. Jefferson, NC: McFarland &38; Company, Inc., Publishers (April 16, 2008). 248 pages, 16 maps, roster, notes, bibliography, index. ISBN: 978-0786432103 $45.00 (Library Binding). What does one look for in a good regimental history First person accounts Check. Social breakdown of the regiment pre-war ... Civil War Talk Radio: September 12, 2008- September 14, 2008 Air Date: 091208 Subject: Sherman&8217;s March to the Sea Books: Southern Storm: Sherman&8217;s March to the Sea Guest: Noah Andre Trudeau Summary: Andy Trudeau discusses his new book on Sherman&8217;s March, Southern Storm, and goes over the myths which have been built up around this famous event. Brett&8217;s Summary: Andy Trudeau, a former National Public Radio Producer, currently is dedicated ... Pritzker Military Library Webcast: Southern Storm- September 12, 2008 Hat tip to Dispatch Depot Message Board user &8220;Sam Grant&8221; for pointing out a recently aired Pritzker Military Library webcast on Sherman&8217;s March, Andy Trudeau&8217;s new book on the March to the Sea. Top 5 Most Important Civil War Books: Mark Kucinic- September 12, 2008 Several Fridays ago, I posted Ian Spurgeon&8217;s winning entry in the Roll Call to Destiny Book Contest. Contestants had to answer the following two questions: What are the five most important books you have read on the Civil War Why is each important This week, Mark Kucinic&8217;s entry in the contest is featured. It appears below. Look ... Army Military History Materials On Line- September 12, 2008 The US Army Center of Military History has a number of military history materials available on line, including sections on wars ranging from the Revolutionary War to the Global War on Terror. TOCWOC readers will want to look at the Civil War section, which has a number of the excellent Army &8220;Staff Ride&8221; guides used ... Two New Titles From The Press of Camp Pope Bookshop- September 11, 2008 I recently received a flier in the mail from Camp Pope Bookshop touting two or their new titles, Vanishing Footrpints: The Twenty-Second Iowa Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War and Skim Milk Yankees Fighting: The Battle of Athens, Missouri, August 5, 1861. I&8217;ve included the all of the information in the flier (taken from the ... Phil Myers on British-American Relations- September 10, 2008 Staying with the theme of recent book reviews for another day, let&8217;s take a look at the comments section from my recent review of Phil Myers&8217; new book Caution and Cooperation: The American Civil War in British-American Relations. Fellow TOCWOC blogger Fred Ray long-time TOCWOC reader Stephen Graham had a discussion about the merits of ... |