Waldo's Virginia Political BlogrollA totally biased and unreasonable list of blogs that I think you might enjoy reading.On A Very Special Episode of a Tween Drama- September 17, 2008 Hillary Clinton won&8217;t show her support for the Jewish Community because Sarah Palin will be there!! WASHINGTON (AP) Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has canceled an appearance at a New York rally next week after organizers blindsided her by invi...http://bearingdrift.com/2008/09/17/on-a-very-special-episode-of-a-tween-drama/ Feder Hits Wolf on Health Care in New TV Ad- September 17, 2008http://www.raisingkaine.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=16010 Race, Gender & Politics: A Conversation- September 17, 2008 The YWCA of South Hampton Roads, located at 5215 Colley Avenue in Norfolk, is holding a panel discussion with the above title on Tuesday, September 23 from 6pm - 8pm. This is a continuation of the earlier discussion hosted by the 200+ Men and includes some of the same participants. This time, the issue of ...http://blog.vivianpaige.com/2008/09/17/race-gender-politics-a-conversation/ Obama Really Wants Troops To Wait In Iraq- September 17, 2008 In a response to Monday&8217;s NYPost article quoting an Iraqi official saying that Barack Obama asked for a delay in US troop drawdowns, the Obama campaign put out a press release more or less saying that&8217;s exactly what he meant: In fact, Obama had told the Iraqis that they should not rush through a &8220;Strategic Framework ...http://bearingdrift.com/2008/09/17/obama-really-wants-troops-to-wait-in-iraq/ Another bailout for another irresponsible company while everyone else struggles- September 17, 2008 This has got me really steamed. I wonder if the government will be there to bail me out of the immense amount of student loan debt I will have accrued when I&8217;m done with college I wonder if the government will be there to bail out everyone who has or will be forced to file bankruptcy because of medical bills they can&8217;t afford to pay because they have no health insurance Absolutely ridiculous and the U.S. should be ASHAMED of itself today. ShareThishttp://www.tooprogressive.com/2008/09/17/another-bailout-for-another-irresponsible-company... Save the GOP: $900,000,000,000- September 17, 2008 The price of the bailouts so far, beginning with Bear Stearns and most recently adding AIG.That's the price of socialism, folks.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/ShaunKenney/~3/395315221/save-gop-900000000000.html Virginians working harder for less- September 17, 2008 So says a new report (pdf) issued by the Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis, which is part of the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy. Consider this: Worker productivity has been steadily climbing in Virginia since 1999, and the state continues to outperform the nation on this measure. In 2006, each worker in the Commonwealth ...http://blog.vivianpaige.com/2008/09/17/virginians-working-harder-for-less/ Lynn Forester de Rothschild is not an elitist- September 17, 2008 Lynn Forester de Rothschild - a prominent Hillary fundraiser and PUMA, apparently - has decided to throw her support to the Straight Talk Express: Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a prominent Hillary Clinton supporter and member of the Democratic National Committees Platform Committee, will endorse John McCain for president on Wednesday, her spokesman tells CNN. The announcement will ...http://usjamerica.wordpress.com/2008/09/17/lynn-forester-de-rothschild-is-not-an-elitist/ Meghans Lore- September 17, 2008 Tonight on Jay Leno: Meghan McCain. We&8217;ll see how Jay treats her. As Aaron Banrhart points out, Leno&8217;s been rough on her dad&8217;s running-mate. Some sample Leno monologue jokes collected at TV Barn: Did you all see Sarah Palin&8217;s interview with Charlie Gibson In fact, John McCain was watching it at home and at one point he turned to ...http://www.extrememortman.com/john-mccain/meghans-lore/ O.J. Simpson and Sarah Palin: Love Birds- September 17, 2008 LOS ANGELES (AP) DVDs found in a Hollywood garage once owned by O.J. Simpson are reported to show Gov. Sarah Palin and Simpson engaged in sexual activity, according to news sources. More HERE.http://redandbluerays.blogspot.com/2008/09/oj-simpson-and-sarah-palin-love-birds.html |