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Feed items 11 - 20 of 29 for September 2008

Waldo's Virginia Political Blogroll

A totally biased and unreasonable list of blogs that I think you might enjoy reading.

On A Very Special Episode of a Tween Drama - September 17, 2008

Hillary Clinton won&8217;t show her support for the Jewish Community because Sarah Palin will be there!! WASHINGTON (AP) Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has canceled an appearance at a New York rally next week after organizers blindsided her by invi...

Feder Hits Wolf on Health Care in New TV Ad - September 17, 2008

Race, Gender & Politics: A Conversation - September 17, 2008

The YWCA of South Hampton Roads, located at 5215 Colley Avenue in Norfolk, is holding a panel discussion with the above title on Tuesday, September 23 from 6pm - 8pm. This is a continuation of the earlier discussion hosted by the 200+ Men and includes some of the same participants. This time, the issue of ...

Obama Really Wants Troops To Wait In Iraq - September 17, 2008

In a response to Monday&8217;s NYPost article quoting an Iraqi official saying that Barack Obama asked for a delay in US troop drawdowns, the Obama campaign put out a press release more or less saying that&8217;s exactly what he meant: In fact, Obama had told the Iraqis that they should not rush through a &8220;Strategic Framework ...

Another bailout for another irresponsible company while everyone else struggles - September 17, 2008

This has got me really steamed. I wonder if the government will be there to bail me out of the immense amount of student loan debt I will have accrued when I&8217;m done with college I wonder if the government will be there to bail out everyone who has or will be forced to file bankruptcy because of medical bills they can&8217;t afford to pay because they have no health insurance Absolutely ridiculous and the U.S. should be ASHAMED of itself today. ShareThis

Save the GOP: $900,000,000,000 - September 17, 2008

The price of the bailouts so far, beginning with Bear Stearns and most recently adding AIG.That's the price of socialism, folks.

Virginians working harder for less - September 17, 2008

So says a new report (pdf) issued by the Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis, which is part of the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy. Consider this: Worker productivity has been steadily climbing in Virginia since 1999, and the state continues to outperform the nation on this measure. In 2006, each worker in the Commonwealth ...

Lynn Forester de Rothschild is not an elitist - September 17, 2008

Lynn Forester de Rothschild - a prominent Hillary fundraiser and PUMA, apparently - has decided to throw her support to the Straight Talk Express: Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a prominent Hillary Clinton supporter and member of the Democratic National Committees Platform Committee, will endorse John McCain for president on Wednesday, her spokesman tells CNN. The announcement will ...

Meghans Lore - September 17, 2008

Tonight on Jay Leno: Meghan McCain. We&8217;ll see how Jay treats her. As Aaron Banrhart points out, Leno&8217;s been rough on her dad&8217;s running-mate. Some sample Leno monologue jokes collected at TV Barn: Did you all see Sarah Palin&8217;s interview with Charlie Gibson In fact, John McCain was watching it at home and at one point he turned to ...

O.J. Simpson and Sarah Palin: Love Birds - September 17, 2008

LOS ANGELES (AP) DVDs found in a Hollywood garage once owned by O.J. Simpson are reported to show Gov. Sarah Palin and Simpson engaged in sexual activity, according to news sources. More HERE.
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- September (29 items)
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