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Feed items 1 - 10 of 10 for September 2008

Top rated Arts Entertainment - Associated Content

Top rated content submitted between 2008-09-10 and 2008-09-17 in Arts & Entertainment

Do Not Question - September 16, 2008

Do not question lightly

Adrift in San Francisco - September 16, 2008

Poems for and about the Gentle City by the Bay

2008 Creative Arts Emmy Award Winners Announced - September 15, 2008

Awards for the creative side of last years television shows were given out in the 2008 Creative Arts Emmy ceremony

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin Viral Videos to the First Political Cartoon Published - September 14, 2008

Political candidates are public figures regardless of their gender The is equal opportunity when it comes to parodying politicians Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin is a prime target for hungry comedians

Sensing Feelings Writing Feelings and Hearing Feelings - September 14, 2008

This article is part of a paranomal series about reading minds feelings and more

Feelings About an Egg - September 13, 2008

The second story in a paranormal series this one deals with predicting the future

Blue Collar Comedian Ron White Arrested for Possessing 3 Grams of Mary Jane - September 11, 2008

In a step of cataclysmic lunacy Ron White deserves a sign for carrying the drug and associated paraphernalia on his person onboard his albeit private airplane

While Out of Gas One Day in Sheffield TX - September 11, 2008

Within the light Ive come to learn

Oprah Boycott Calls into Question Philosophy Behind Freedom of Speech - September 10, 2008

Oprah Boycott Called The Florida Federation of Republican Women is fervently upset about the alleged Oprah snub of the John McCain running mate Yet is it not Oprahs show and her choice whom to interview and when

And so We Harkens to Their VoicesAnd so We Listenwith No Fear - September 10, 2008

This day and age is the wisdom that is hours for learningTheirs is the understanding that leads and givesTheir voice is the reverberation in the dark of the nightWhispered from the trees as they swing in the breezePay attention to the wind
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- September (10 items)
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