Student Loan Info for ParentsHow to survive the Financial Aid processDid your high school prepare you for college- September 16, 2008 A new study shows that 13 of kids aren&8217;t ready and that they need remedial classes to bring them up to speed. In this intriguing article from USA Today, the author examines how colleges spend billions of dollars to get high school graduates up to a level they should already have reached. &8220;Christina Jeronimo was an &8220;A&8221; ... College Costs - Charge too Much and End up on Wall of Shame- September 8, 2008 Incoming college students - meet the College Opportunity and Affordability Act, signed August 14 by President Bush. According to USA Today, it &8220;will require the Department of Education to post online the colleges and universities with the highest percentage increases in tuition and fees in a three-year period. It also calls for the department to list ... My school wont certify my loan!- September 3, 2008 What do you do if your school won&8217;t certify your FFELP loan Well, if they say they don&8217;t want to work with the lender you chose, that&8217;s illegal. They are not allowed to refuse certification based on your lender of chose; if they do the Department of Education can fine them! You probably remember the hullabaloo last ... |