The Truth About Cars » Electric vehiclesThe Truth About Cars is dedicated to providing candid, unbiased automobile reviews and the latest in auto industry news.Chevrolet Volt : Home, Home on the Range- May 20, 2008 It&8217;s Monday, December 27, 2010. A Chevy customer sits behind the wheel of his brand-new, fully-charged, plug-in hybrid Volt. He&8217;s heading off to the office some fifteen miles away. Three years ago, our early adopter was one the first to put his name on the waiting list at Since then, he visited the site religiously for daily updates. And now the Volt looks set to deliver on all of GM Car Czar Bob Lutz&8217;s promises. But&8230; the Volt driver&8217;s journey into the... I Want My Tesla Roadster!- May 16, 2008 Not for same reasons you do. You want a battery-powered Tesla Roadster because it&8217;s a way cool car boasting bleeding edge technology. Or maybe you just like sexy sports cars. Or perhaps you&8217;re looking for massive eco-auto props. As a free marketeer, I&8217;m good with any of these motivations. As a Porsche Boxster S owner, I&8217;m not bothered (I&8217;ve already found my dream date). But as the publisher of this website, I want a Tesla Roadster BAD. I want to reveal the truth about... Edward Niedermeyers EV Roundup- May 1, 2008 For nearly a century, powertrains and vehicle design have followed a largely evolutionary development path, slowly improving on one basic concept. But rising fuel prices for our inherited automotive paradigm points to radical changes ahead. Hybrids have already established a beachhead for the coming revolution. Like the dot-com boom just a decade ago, the EV gold rush is on. From pure vaporware to Hail-Mary-mobiles to groundbreaking machines that threaten real world practicality and... |