the carnival in my head...sometimes the ride's fun, sometimes it just makes me dizzywhats inside the bunny- September 17, 2008 note: this is part of the september synchroblog. i really like synchroblogs because a variety of voices write on the same topic at the same time. the intentional focus provides a great platform for challenge &38; diversity of perspectives. check out all of the other participants&8217; links below! this month&8217;s topic: spiritual maturity. when i ... blog-tag-fun- September 14, 2008 well i haven&8217;t participated in one of these blog-tag-games in a while, but i got tagged by brother maynard so i couldn&8217;t say no, hahaha. plus it was a good one to make me think about the carnival blog and why it&8217;s been a fun &38; challenging thing for me in all kinds of ways. here ... blessed are the- September 11, 2008 in the spirit of upside-downness &38; inside outness &38; the beatitudes &38; how much i love them, i thought i&8217;d share the closing liturgy that my friend christa &38; i wrote together for our current sunday evening conversations focused on the sermon on the mount. may Jesus&8217; words sink deeply into our hearts, our ... seeing the swan- September 8, 2008 thanks my dear friends for understanding, for the love, the emails, the phone calls, the comments. i of course have felt encouraged in more ways than you know. in case you didn&8217;t notice, i am a verbal processor. something happens inside me when i say things out loud &38; God moves in in all kinds ... why sometimes i want to throw in the towel- September 4, 2008 i was about to post something else that i have been wanting to get up here, but i just couldn&8217;t skip over where i&8217;m at today &38; why i currently feel so undone. it will also help you understand why i have so much frustration in my heart toward &8220;the church&8221; &38; the systems and ... its a wrap!- September 1, 2008 consistent with my life-long patterns related to diet &38; exercise, i often start out strong on new goals, roaring out the chute at full speed. then not too long in my commitment level wanes, and before i know it i&8217;m eating krispy kremes &38; can&8217;t even find my gym punch card. so it makes perfect ... |