The Million Dollar Lifestyle Business Podcast » PodcastThe Entrepreneur\'s Success Coach shares the secrets to having more freedom, more profits, and more prestige!How to Transform Over-Commitment, Way-Too-Busy and Low Cash Flow into a Thriving 6 - 7 Figure Lifestyle Business- September 16, 2008 Whats the number one difference between the hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs barely making it and the top 10% who are wealthy, successful and living a life that they love Knowing the right opportunities to focus on. Last week I was talking to a new client who suggested how frustrating it was to be putting so much ... Savvy Debt: Using Other Peoples Money to Grow Your Business- September 2, 2008 How much debt do you have Thats right, Im just going to come straight out and ask. Is it $10,000 $20,000 $50,000 More And how did you get that debt Investing in your business Or was it buying TVs and traveling to Fiji Chances are you obtained most of it while making purchases for your business ... |