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Feed items 1 - 8 of 8 for September 2008 - Latest reviews from the category External HDs.

The 10 latest reviews in category External HDs from

Dell Studio 17 - Intel Core 2 Duo T8300 2.4GHz - September 17, 2008

The Studio series neatly dovetails in between two well liked product lines and certainly lives up to its name in the choice of colours and styles for the lid, but it could do with a boost in the gaming department. Dell - Studio 17 price Buy Dell Studi...

Buffalo DriveStation 1TB USB2 HD-CE1.0TU2 - September 16, 2008

Les DriveStation Turbo USB de Buffalo font peau neuve. La coque qui habille dsormais ces disques durs bnficie de lignes plus arrondies. Elle est en outre bien plus sobre et plus agrable que lancien botier bicolore. Ct connectique et technologie...

Asus Radeon HD 3850 Trinity 512MB PCIe - September 16, 2008

Our time with the Asus 3850 Trinity has been quite interesting and more than a little fun. We know from experience that when the Asus R&D team are able to really push the boundaries that they come up with something special (watch out for our review of the Rampage Extreme shortly) and the Trinity is no different...

Averatec D1002UHCE-1 - September 16, 2008

Asus LS221H - September 16, 2008

Bien sr, dans lidal, on voudrait tous acheter un cran de trs bonne qualit, avec un super design et un prix dfiant toute concurrence. Mais voil, il faut souvent choisir entre prix abordable et look original ou sophistiqu, comme le prouve une ...

Apple iMac 20 inch - Intel Core 2 Duo E8335 2.66GHz MB324LLA - September 16, 2008

Arbico Elite 8595 - September 16, 2008

The Elite 8595, the sort of top-performing machine we’ve come to expect from Arbico, uses a 3.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 to reach a blistering WorldBench 6 processing-speed score of 122 points. That’s faster than most PCs at twice the price.It also...

BFG GeForce GTX 260 OCX maXcore 896MB PCIe BFGRGTX260MC896OCXE - September 16, 2008

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- September (8 items)
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