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Feed items 1 - 10 of 10 for September 2008

The Soda Stand

Living life one day at a time and loving every second of the ups and downs!

Dragging on hump day. - (Found September 17, 2008 )

I'm dragging this morning. I can't seem to find the motivation for getting ready for work. However, I'm more than halfway there. I just need to dry my hair and do my make up. I'm in such a mood, I might skip the make up. I'm taking a change of clothes ...

Learning to be flexible - (Found September 17, 2008 )

My sponsor in Vegas used to always tell me it was great to have a plan. It was even better to be flexible and roll with the changes. I'm attempting to focus on being OK with changes to plans I make. I had a huge plan when I moved here and we ...

Have you forgotten - (Found September 17, 2008 )

I don't believe many of us will forget that day 7 years ago. I know it means more to some people than others. I know that some people were affected more than others. I'm OK with that. I'm asking that everyone else be OK with that too. If people are ...

YAY! Its Friday! - (Found September 17, 2008 )

I was up at 4:30 this morning after sleeping pretty well last night. I did, however, go back to bed until 6am. I could not see myself getting up at 4:30 in the morning on a Friday! I'll be going to the grocery store after work today. I'm out of a ...

Amending my way of thinking of living. - (Found September 17, 2008 )

I went to my meeting last night and it was a step study. Every month, on the second Friday, we study and focus on a step. Since this is the 9th month, we were studying Step 9 (Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so ...

Patriot Game 2008 - (Found September 17, 2008 )

I left the apartment at noon to go pick up Miss Laci. Miss Monique was planning on joining us, but due to a few things, she ended up not being able to make the drive down. We missed her a lot and I'm sure she would have enjoyed the eye ...

Well I guess hurricanes can hit this far inland - (Found September 17, 2008 )

Imagine my surprise when I saw on the news yesterday that we would have "hurricane" like winds, as remnants of HurricaneTropical Storm Ike passed us up for places north of here. I thought to myself yeah whatev. I'm in Kentucky. I woke up this morning to 40 mile per hour winds ...

Working up a sweat - (Found September 17, 2008 )

I drove to work this morning, wondering to myself if the power was even on. I found out soon enough when I got to the area and saw that none of the street lights were workings, not even the emergency flashing lights they use to tell you to stop so ...

Has technology crippled us - (Found September 17, 2008 )

As many of you know, we've been without power at work. It's been a long, boring two days. We've been running most of the building on generators and they finally hooked my computer up to a generator at 3pm today. I didn't get much done before leaving at 4pm. I was ...

Some decisions and then some action - (Found September 17, 2008 )

Have you ever noticed how annoying it is when you finally make a decision and then you have to follow through with some action I hate that. I've made a decision regarding my situation. I've discussed it with a few people (Miss Monique and GB). They both know the direction I'm ...
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