The Truth About Cars » Tesla Death WatchThe Truth About Cars is dedicated to providing candid, unbiased automobile reviews and the latest in auto industry news.Tesla Death Watch 19: 38 Roadster Retrofits- September 10, 2008 Followers of this Silicon Valley saga will remember that Tesla decided to install &8220;termporary&8221; transmissions in their lithium-ion-powered Roadsters, so they could deliver something to someone sooner rather than later. Well, later is now. Autobloggreen reports that Tesla is &8220;ready to build real cars.&8221; By that, scribe Sam Abuelsamid means that the electric vehicle maker ... Tesla Death Watch 18: Eberhard Rethinks Running Costs- September 4, 2008 Hell hath no fury like an executive scorned. Since being ousted from Tesla, its founder Martin Eberhard has dutifully spoken truth to hype about his erstwhile brainchild at the Tesla Founders blog. Eberhard's latest opus is a breakdown of running costs for the Tesla Roadster based on Northern California's PG&38;E electricity rate structure. Calling answers to EV running costs "squishy," Eberhard has assembled a truly impressive spreadsheet to evaluate and compare true EV running costs. These... |