White House Press BriefingsPress Briefings by the White House Press Secretary and other Administration officials.Press Briefing by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice - 862006- August 6, 2006 SECRETARY RICE: Well, first of all, let me say that it's important that we vote the resolution in the Security Council, and we expect that to happen in the next day or two. And at that point, the international community will have put forward its views of how this war can abate, and then we'll see who is for peace and who isn't. The world is really watching now to see. Everyone has been talking about a cease-fire, an immediate cease-fire. I think even Hezbollah has from time.http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/08/20060806-1.html Press Gaggle by Tony Snow - 842006- August 4, 2006 MR. SNOW: Let me begin with a couple of points. The President's day today: he got up early, he received his national security briefing, recorded the radio address -- which is about border security and immigration. Then he went out and did some brush-cutting and trail-clearing, followed by a bike ride, and will be doing other vacation relaxation sort of things for the rest of the day.http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/08/20060804-7.html Press Gaggle by Tony Snow - 832006- August 3, 2006 MR. SNOW: Coming up ahead on this trip, we are going to be stopping in McAllen. First there is going to be a review of -- the President is going to be taking a look at some rotary aircraft -- helicopters, in other words -- and also a boat that is used by the Border Patrol and Customs Service, in trying to patrol the borders.http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/08/20060803-3.html Press Briefing by Tony Snow - 822006- August 2, 2006 Watch Wednesday's Press Briefing with White House Press Secretary Tony Snow.http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/08/20060802-2.html Press Briefing by Tony Snow - 812006- August 1, 2006 MR. SNOW: Hello, good to see you all. A lot of stuff on the docket today. First, the President's schedule.http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/08/20060801-4.html |