White House Press BriefingsPress Briefings by the White House Press Secretary and other Administration officials.Press Briefing by Dana Perino - 0352008- March 5, 2008 MS. PERINO: Hello, welcome everybody. One quick note about the Middle East peace process. The Israelis and the Palestinians have said that they will return to talks, and we are encouraged by this development. We know there's a lot more work that needs to be done, but the President is pleased that Prime Minister Olmert and President Abbas are not going to be deterred from the potential to achieve peace and security by establishing a framework for what a Palestinian state would look like before...http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2008/03/20080305-1.html Press Briefing by Dana Perino - 0342008- March 4, 2008 MS. PERINO: Hi. Sorry getting started late, but you had the President making comments and they had to feed the tape back. Not a lot of people here. Since you had the President, I'll take any questions you have.http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2008/03/20080304-4.html |