Architects are sexiest professionals- May 30, 2008 Characteristics of smart materials and systems- May 20, 2008 DEFINITIONSWe have been liberally using the term smart materialswithout precisely defining what we mean. Creating a precisedefinition, however, is surprisingly difficult. The term isalready in wide use, but there is no general agreementabout what it actually means. A quick review of the literatureindicates that terms like smart and intelligent are usedalmost interchangeably by many in relation to materials andsystems, while others draw sharp distinctions about whichqualities or capabilities are. The phenomenological boundary- May 20, 2008 Missing from many of these efforts is the understanding ofhow boundaries physically behave. The definition of boundarythat people typically accept is one similar to that offeredby the Oxford English Dictionary: a real or notional linemarking the limits of an area. As such, the boundary is staticand defined, and its requirement for legibility (marking)prescribes that it is a tangible barrier thus a visual artifact.For physicists, however, the boundary is not a thing, but anaction. Environments.. The contemporary design context- May 20, 2008 Orthographic projection in architectural representationinherently privileges the surface. When the three-dimensionalworld is sliced to fit into a two-dimensional representation,the physical objects of a building appear as flatplanes. Regardless of the third dimension of these planes, werecognize that the eventual occupant will rarely see anythingother than the surface planes behind which the structureand systems are hidden. While the common mantra is thatarchitects design space the reality is... Materials and architecture- May 20, 2008 The relationship between architecture and materials had beenfairly straightforward until the Industrial Revolution. Materialswere chosen either pragmatically for their utility andavailability or they were chosen formally for theirappearance and ornamental qualities. Locally available stoneformed foundations and walls, and high-quality marbles oftenappeared as thin veneers covering the rough construction.Decisions about building and architecture determined thematerial choice, and as such, we.. Materials in architecture and design- May 20, 2008 Smart planes intelligent houses shape memory textiles micromachines self-assembling structures color-changingpaint nanosystems. The vocabulary of the material world haschanged dramatically since 1992, when the first smartmaterial emerged commercially in, of all things, snow skis.Defined as highly engineered materials that respond intelligentlyto their environment, smart materials have becomethe go-to answer for the 21st centurys technological needs.NASA is counting on smart materials to... Difference between Architecture student and other fields student- May 20, 2008 Seating infront of my drafting table i was just thinking of my past architecure studies and life...submissions,those late night studies , elevanth our model making , runnig for plotting , xeroxing the jurnals , computer failure befor the day of submissions....list will go on.. that was amazing..but whats the different between us and the other students like medical or enggi students what do u think is there an difference Richard Buckminster Fuller- May 14, 2008 Architect and philosopher, United StatesThe American Richard Buckminster Fuller has been variously labeled architect,engineer, author, designer-inventor, educator, poet, cartographer, ecologist, philosopher,teacher, and mathematician throughout his career. Although not trained professionally asan architect, Fuller has been accepted within the architectural profession, receivingnumerous awards and honorary degrees. He thought of himself as a comprehensivehuman in the universe, implementing... FUTURISM- May 14, 2008 Italian in origin and concept, futurism was first theorized by Filippo Tomaso Marinetti ina manifesto published on 20 February 1909 in the French daily Le Figaro. Futurism soon becamea movement central to the process of radical artistic renovation carried out by theEuropean avant-garde. It dealt both with cultural debates specific to Italian art of the firsttwo decades of the 20th century and with crucial discourses of the European artisticEncyclopedia of 20th-century architecture 904revival in. Albert Frey- May 14, 2008 Architect, United StatesAlbert Frey holds a unique place in the history of 20th century Californian architectureas an uncompromising modernist of the European school, a pupil of Le Corbusier, and anexponent of high-tech and rationalist architecture who lived out his long life in the hillsabove Palm Springs, California.Frey spent the early part of his career working for Belgian modernist architects JulesEggericx and Raphael Verwilghen in Brussels, where he was involved with rebuildinghousing... |