FEMINIST THEORY- May 14, 2008 Feminist theory in 20th-century architecture encompasses identification of genderedpower relations in architectural and urban form and discourse, critique of masculinedominance in the design professions, and creation of feminist and femininearchitectural practices. Influenced by feminism in philosophy, literature, cultural studies,and the social sciences, feminist architectural theory has embraced histories of women inarchitecture, new types of architectural practice, and the...http://architectural-world.blogspot.com/2008/05/feminist-theory.html Sverre Fehn- May 14, 2008 Architect, NorwaySverre Fehn began his career after graduating from the Oslo School of Architecture in1949. He is one of a number of post-World War II Norwegian architects who believed inbestowing universal modernism with both regional and site-specific values, espousing anarchitecture that, while always rational, recognized local crafts and culture, mythology,and folklore. His concerns with the topography of the site, climate, local identity, andtectonics are central to issues of both...http://architectural-world.blogspot.com/2008/05/sverre-fehn.html FEDERAL CAPITAL COMPLEX,BRASLIA- May 14, 2008 Designed by Oscar Niemeyer, completed 1960 BrazilThe free and vigorous forms of Oscar Niemeyers works, such as Pampulha (1943)and Canoas House (1954), were already internationally recognized when he visitedEurope in 1954. Niemeyer was impressed by classical buildings he saw theretheirmonumentality and their sense of permanence. This led him to introduce new concepts inhis architecture. Niemeyer started to emphasize pure and concise forms as well as singlevolumes die-tated by structure in order..http://architectural-world.blogspot.com/2008/05/federal-capital-complexbraslia.html FAVELA- May 14, 2008 the term that identifies shantytowns in Brazil, originates from poverty settlements in Riode Janeiro and is derived from a type of bush that is abundant in the semiarid CanudosEntries AF 841area in the northern state of Bahia. Rios favelas coincide with the occupation of theSanto Antnio and Providncia hills (morros ) in the city center. In 1897, soldiers who returnedfrom the Canudos Wara military campaign in the northeastern region of Brazilreceived permission to temporarily settle on these...http://architectural-world.blogspot.com/2008/05/favela.html Hassan Fathy- May 14, 2008 Architect and teacher, EgyptMore than any other 20th-century architect, Hassan Fathy raised the status of earthbuilding among architects worldwide. Building in earthadobe or pis has a long andhonorable history, and in those parts of the world where stone and timber are scarce andexpensive, earth has remained the most economical and widely used building material.Encyclopedia of 20th-century architecture 838This is certainly true in Egypt and most Arab countries. But even there, as in most...http://architectural-world.blogspot.com/2008/05/hassan-fathy.html |