FRANKFURT, GERMANY- May 14, 2008 Frankfurt am Main was, next to Berlin, perhaps Germanys most important center of20th-century architectural developments. Its attempts to initiate an era of New Buildingwith innovative social housing programs and extensive public works construction in the1920s and its impressive post-World War II rebuilding program that culminated with thecreation of a publicly funded Museum Mile in the 1980s have given Frankfurt anarchitectural prominence that far outweighs its modest size. The building of... Kenneth Frampton- May 14, 2008 Architect, historian and critic, United StatesKenneth Frampton is an architect, historian, and theorist based in New York. As anarchitect with Douglas Stephen and Partners from 1961 to 1966, when he designed aneight-story (48-unit) apartment block, Craven Hill Gardens (1964), in Bayswater,London. It received a Ministry of Housing award and is now a Grade Four historicmonument.In 1962, Frampton also became a technical editor for Architectural Des ign and improved the depth andquality of the... Josef Frank- May 14, 2008 Architect, AustriaJosef Frank was among the leading Austrian representatives of the Modern movement.He was a founding member of the Congrs Internationaux dArchitecture Moderne(CIAM), and, as vice president of the Austrian Werkbund, he oversaw the planning andconstruction of the 1932 Vienna Werkbundsiedlung. In the early 1930s, however, Frankemerged as one of the most important and vocal critics of what he saw as the totalitarianorthodoxy within the various strands of modernism. For the... Norman Foster- May 14, 2008 Architect, EnglandTogether with architects Richard Rogers, Nicholas Grimshaw, and Michael Hopkins,Norman Foster is credited with pioneering the design style known as High-Tech inBritain in the early 1970s. Although in the United States the term refers principally to anarchitectural style, in Britain High-Tech points to a more rigorous approach in whichadvanced technology is acknowledged as representing the spirit of the age. Theaesthetics of industrial production and machine technology are... FLATIRON BUILDING- May 14, 2008 Designed by D.H.Burnham and Company; completed 1903New York, New YorkWith its striking shape, prominent location, and exceptional height, the FlatironBuilding was one of New Yorks most discussed and distinctive skyscrapers at thebeginning of the 20th century. It was originally named the Fuller Building after theGeorge A.Fuller Company, which had served as the buildings developer and builder andwas one of its original occupants until moving to a new building in 1929. From its loftyquarters, the.. Kay Fisker- May 14, 2008 Architect, DenmarkKay Fisker was one of the early proponents of functionalism in Danish architecture.Taking his point of departure from the early 20th-century Danish Neoclassicism soprevalent in the 1910s and 1920s, he developed a type of functional building designspecific to the Danish language of materials. In this way, Fisker took his inspiration firstfrom functional theorist and practitioner Louis Sullivan and only later from hiscontemporaries among the European architects, such as Mies van. FINLAND- May 14, 2008 Twentieth-century Finnish architecture, with few exceptions, has moved within the flowof contemporaneous international developments. Within this larger construct, Finnisharchitects have simultaneously developed qualities that are particular to the cultural andnatural condition of the country. Over the past half-century, the Finns have not forsakenmodernism but have continued to examine and inspect its potential, creating a legacy ofsuperb works in architecture and planning.Toward the end of the. FIAT WORKS (LINGOTTO), TURIN, ITALY- May 14, 2008 Designed by Giacomo Matt Trucco completed 19161926In 1916 the Italian automobile company Fiat, with Giovanni Agnelli at its helm, beganthe construction of a modern factory that would take ten years to build and thatepitomized the American multistory concrete factory as established by architect AlbertKahn for Henry Ford in the Highland Park Plant outside of Detroit in 1912, but with itsown innovations. Fiats earlier factories, typical of the time, were traditional multistoriedbrick structures in. Hugh Ferriss- May 14, 2008 Urban designer, United StatesBest known for his dramatic depictions of the monumental architecture of a futuristic,urban utopia, Hugh Ferriss contributed significantly in the 1920s and 1930s to anappreciation for urban design within academic and professional circles, but more soamong a lay audience. Although he was a licensed architect, he chose not to build. Hededicated his career to drawing, writing, and urban planning, becoming the preferredrenderer and consultant to some of the most notable. FENG SHUI- May 14, 2008 Feng Shui dates from before the earliest dynasty in China, when its principles were firstused to locate family graves to ensure good luck for all future descendants. Looselytranslated as wind and water, the term Feng Shui refers to the practice of discerning theEncyclopedia of 20th-century architecture 858harmonic arrangements of natural elements so as to enhance the flow of the life force, orChi; for Western audiences, the term is most directly defined as geomancy ordivination. In the context.. |