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Feed items 11 - 19 of 19 for July 2008

HR.5 - What are your Short Term Goals - July 7, 2008

Short term goal depends upon where you stand right now. A person with 5 years of experience will have different short term goals than a person with no work experience. You can answer as: 1) My short term goal is to find a position where I can use the Knowledge and Strength I have. I want to participate in the growth and success of the company I work for. 2) I want to see myself as a software developer in your esteemed organization where by with all my skills and enhanced learning I shall..

HR.4 - Can You Work well Under Pressure - July 6, 2008

The best answer to this question is Yes. Working well under pressure is a good strength to have. But saying yes is not enough; you need to explain how you can handle pressure situation to bring the best out of it. Tell the interviewer that you work the same with pressure and without pressure. You can answer as: 1) Sir, I can handle pressure of work. Whenever there is pressure of work, we need to tackle it from the mental and physical stand-point. Mental stand-point would mean being in a...

HR.3 - What are Your Weakness - July 6, 2008

Try to specify your weakness as your strength and also highlight it as a benefit.Your answers can be:1) One of my weaknesses as I perceive is occasional compromise on time for quality and perfection.2) I feel I am not very detail-oriented. Im a person that wants accomplish as much as possible. I realized this hurts quality and therefore Im trying hard to find a balance between quality and quantity.3) At times even when I need help, I try to solve my own problems instead of asking a co-worker...

Interview HR Questions With Answers - July 4, 2008

Here are some very important HR questions which are often asked during Interviews.And the answers can well Impress the Interviewer. Here are a list of some important Questions. Click on them to view the answer: 1)Tell something about Yourself 2) What are your Strengths 3) What are your Weakness 4) Can you work well under pressure 5) What are your short term goals 6) What are your long term goals 7) Where do you see 5 years from now 8) Why should we hire you 9)...

HR.2 - What are Your Strengths - July 3, 2008

This is a simple and popular interview question. Generally people answer it in two ways. There are people who simply state their strength like I am Young, Dynamic, Intelligent, Smart & so on. Such answer is neither right nor wrong but does not help u in any way also.Secondly there are peoples who state their strengths and explain them how he can use his strength for the job and industry.Always remember DO NOT SIMPLY STATE YOUR STRENGTHS. YOU DO HAVE SOME STRENGTHS AND TRY TO CONVERT YOUR...

HR.1 - Tell Something About Yourself - July 3, 2008

One should take the opportunity to show hisher communication skills by speaking clearly and concisely in an organized manner. Since there is no right or wrong answer for this question hence it is important to appear friendly. The answers can be:1) I am a person with strong interpersonal skills and have the ability to get along well with people. I enjoy challenges and looking for creative solutions to problems.2)Besides the details given in my resume, I believe in character values, vision and...

Your PDF Files Can Speak Too. Wanna Know How - July 2, 2008

YOUR PDF FILES CAN SPEAK TOO. WANNA KNOW HOW Now you can not only view the PDF Files but also can hear them. Wanna hear what your PDF Files says: Go to VIEW and click on Read Out Loud OR Open a PDF file then, Ctrl + shift + b - to hear the entire Document Ctrl + shift + v - to hear the page Ctrl + shift + c - to resume Ctrl + shift + e - to stop Remember it is applicable only to Adobe Reader 6.0 and above.

Shutdown Your Pcs and Laptops More Faster - July 1, 2008

Well we all know turning on and turning off a PC or a Laptop takes a lot of time. So if we come to know how to save the time than it can of great importance. So lets see how to shutdown PC or Laptop faster: 1) Click START and select RUN. Type regedit to bring up the registry editor. 2) Export your registry backup in case you mess up anything. Its not really anything serious but at least you can bring back the settings in case you wander off from the guide. 3) Find the...

How to Make a Group Discussion Successful - July 1, 2008

WHAT ACTUALLY IS EVALUATED IN GROUP DISCUSSION ARE: Whether u can lead the group, not by force but by logical reasons.                             A leader leads by...
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