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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for June 2008

The Mikael Nylander blog

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A handsome quintain still stands on Offham village - June 12, 2008

A handsome quintain still stands on Offham village green, in Kent, although it is no longer used for the skilful practice of former days. It is the custom to hoist married men, who are not blest with children, on the quintain, which is made to revolve rapidly. Sometimes discontented and disobedient wives share the same ...

Davis MacNider Dibble de Saulles Moffat - June 11, 2008

Davis MacNider Dibble de Saulles Moffat Cadwalader Edwards Walton Wentz Geer Rotter WE BEAT ANDOVER This wonderful start of the Lawrenceville team was a goading spur to its opponents. Johnnie Barnes, an ex-Lawrenceville boy, now quarterback on the Andover ...

When the door had closed upon the three - June 9, 2008

When the door had closed upon the three, Sydney placed his crutches under his arms and moved over to the chair beside the couch. &8220;Look here, Neil, you dont really think, do you, that youll have any trouble getting back into your place&8221; &8220;I hardly know. Of course two weeks of idleness makes a big ...

Neils and Pauls college life began early the next - June 6, 2008

Neils and Pauls college life began early the next morning when, sitting side by side in the dim, hushed chapel, they heard white-haired Dr. Garrison ask for them divine aid and guidance. Splashes and flecks of purple and rose and golden light rested here and there on bowed head and shoulders or lay in shafts ...

Neil sat down amid a veritable roar of applause - June 4, 2008

Neil sat down amid a veritable roar of applause, and Paul, totally unembarrassed by the praise and acclaim, smiled with satisfaction. &8220;That was all right, chum,&8221; he whispered. &8220;I guess weve got them on the run, eh&8221; But Neil shook his head doubtfully. Cries of &8220;Vote! Vote!&8221; arose, and in a moment or two the ...

Besides the harvesthome there was also observed - June 2, 2008

Besides the harvest-home there was also observed another feast of a similar character in the spring, when the sheep were shorn. A plentiful dinner was given by the farmer to the shearers and their friends, and a table was often set in the open village for the young people and children. Tusser, who wrote a ...

If that great event which was run off at the Marlboro - June 1, 2008

If that great event which was run off at the Marlboro Fair and Cattle Show could be witnessed to-day, thousands of admirers would love to see in action those trainers, see them as the Natick Hose truck defeated the Westboro team that day, and sent the Westboro contingent home with shattered hopes and empty pocketbooks. ...
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