Storage SoupA blogRiverbed preps primary storage dedupe device- September 16, 2008 Riverbed took the wraps off what it previously described as its &8220;data center product&8221; Monday, unveiling its Atlas primary data deduplication device at its financial analyst conference well before it will be available for customers. Atlas will use the deduplication technology Riverbed employs in its Steelhead WAN optimization products to shrink primary data. Although the product ... Suns Thor finds a new green friend- September 15, 2008 A startup called greenBytes emerged from stealth today, bringing with it modifications to Sun Microsystems&8217; ZFS file system that will add power-saving features to the SunFire X4540 &8220;Thor&8221; storage server. greenBytes calls its proprietary enhancements to the file system ZFS+. The software bundles in deduplication, inline compression, power management using disk drives&8217; native power interfaces. Drive ... Vmworld: Hope Springs Eternal!- September 15, 2008 I&8217;ve been on an emotional roller coaster recently. I&8217;ve had a slim chance of making it out to Vmworld in Las Vegas this week and I got really excited. Then &8230; crushing blow I couldn&8217;t go, then the sky&8217;s parted birds chirped and a harpist showed up from out of nowhere I could go again, ... HP to EMC: Drop the SPC smoke screen- September 12, 2008 Heweltt-Packard has fired the latest shot at EMC in the battle over performance benchmarks. HP this week posted records formegabytes per secondand price performance in SPC-2 performance benchmark testing of its XP24000 enterprise SAN array, and immediately called out EMC for its refusal to submit its products to the Storage Performance Council (SPC) for benchmarking. According ... Rackable to replace RapidScale with NetApp- September 12, 2008 On August 14, Rackable disclosed it was selling its RapidScale clustered NASbusiness, which was derived from its acquisition of Terrascale last April. Companyexecutives said they were trying to refocus the company on its core competencies after disappointing forecasts for RapidScale. During the company&8217;s Aug. 4 earnings call, execs hinted that a new partnership with a ... Ocarina will pay you 10 grand to beat it at data compression- September 10, 2008 Ocarina Networks, which came out of stealth in April, claims its compression appliance will reduce file data on primary storage systems. Its main competitor, StorWize, applies standard (2:1)compression to files,but Ocarina claims 10:1 compression andthe ability to compress already compressed objects, such as video and photos. The company even claims its algorithms can be used ... Sun CEO dons rose-colored storage glasses- September 9, 2008 The political conventions are over, but Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz is spinning Sun storage in a way that would make any candidate proud. In his latest blog, Schwartz points to recent figures from market research firm IDC as validation of Sun&8217;s open storage strategy. Those numbers release last week showed Sun with the greatest increase of ... Plasmon, in need of funding, recommends $25 million private equity offer- September 5, 2008 Optical archiving vendor Plasmon revamped its management team last December and has since rolled out a new marketing strategy focusing on offering multi-tier archiving packages with partner NetApp (see &8220;NetApp Plasmon&8217;s Trojan Horse in Enterprise Data Centers,&8221; July 16). But according to a statement released by Plasmon Aug. 8, so far that strategy hasn&8217;t been bearing ... Adaptec adds power management to RAID controllers- September 3, 2008 Adaptec&8217;s Series 2 and Series 5 SASSATA RAID controllers can now spin down disk drives from several drive manufacturers &8212; Hitachi, Fujitsu, Seagate, Western Digital and Samsung. Adaptec director of worldwide marketing Suresh Paniker said spin-down is already a part of the serial drive interface specs, so no API or special integration is required for Adaptec&8217;s ... Overlands latest step towards disk- September 2, 2008 Companies like to try and bury bad news by disclosing it on a Friday, so it&8217;s no surprise that Overland Storage issued a press release about layoffs on the day before the three-day Labor Day weekend.There is really little surprise around Overland&8217;s 53 layoffs, which come to 13 percent of its employees. It&8217;s the next ... |