PubFeeds (information_technology category feed) for PubFeeds (information_technology category feed) for forexautomatonHP Customer Perspective: How IT Quality Managers Respond to SOA Change- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Download Now! Managing IT quality has always been a hard job. There are too many applications and not enough time and resources. And SOA means more things to test and more lifecycles to manage. Traditional test toolsdesigned to test application transactionsprovide little help testing services with broad functionality and no user interface.Find out how one customer, Dr. Ferhan Kilical, test manager at Northrop Grumman Mission Systems, addressed the challenges she faced when applying... Advanced Load Balancing: 8 Things You Need to Handle Today's Network Traffic- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Download Now! Don't keep making excuses for that tired load balancer that's holding back your network. Now you have access to appliances that not only provide 100% availability through full Layer 7 awareness and intelligent traffic management, but also deliver your web apps with the highest performance and security possible. Before you make any decisions, download this white paper and discover the 8 most critical things you need to know when replacing your old load balancer. You'll... Learn the Six Key Challenges Facing Managed Service Providers- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Download Now! Managed Service Providers (MSPs) responsible for administrating enterprise infrastructures have experienced tremendous growth over the past few years. Applications such as Microsoft Active Directory, Exchange, SharePoint, and BlackBerry Enterprise Server have generated profitable revenue opportunities as enterprises increasingly outsource their IT needs. This growth, however, is creating a shortage of resources that will only get more acute over time as enterprise... SGI Adaptive Data Warehouse: Building a High-End Oracle Data Warehouse Using Industry-Standard Technologies- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Download Now! Data sets are growing ever larger. Queries are becoming increasingly complex. So SGI and Oracle are teaming up with innovative, standards-based configurations to meet the urgent need for scalable, powerful data warehouse solutions. Through participation in Oracle's Optimized Warehouse Initiative (OWI), SGI works to ensure that its Adaptive Data Warehouse Solutions deliver exceptional performance and adaptability.Within its portfolio of Adaptive Data Warehouse solutions,... Open Source Database Checklist: 5 Key Attributes for the Enterprise- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Download Now! Open source databases can significantly cut costs vs. proprietary systems. Now find out how to choose the right system for your enterprisewhether you're considering migrating from a proprietary solution or upgrading from a previous, more limited open source platform.In this free white paper, learn 5 key criteria to look for in an open source database for the enterprise, including:Enterprise-level availabilityMaximizing performanceSecurity for your data and... Moving Service Assurance to the Next Level- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Download Now! OSS systems have never been as important as they are today, when operators cannot even think about delivering modern services without significant help from supporting systems. This white paper will review emerging trends in service management and examine the benefits of Next Generation Service Assurance, identifying the most crucial challenges for NGSA solution:providing actual information about huge number of services with complex structure resource dependencies... Worst Practices in Business Intelligence: Why BI Applications Succeed Where BI Tools Fail- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Download Now! This paper provides insight into the top four worst practices for business intelligence and offers guidance on how to avoid or overcome these worst practices in order to tap into the true power of BI. After reading this paper, you will have a solid understanding of how to identify and combat the top-four worst practices for BI and achieve success with your BI initiatives. Email Link Digg This! Add to Del.icio.us |