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Whether you're in product marketing, public relations, brand development or corporate communications, Adobe Acrobat 7.0 software can give your marketing programs spot-on message, greater control, smooth and timely execution, and stronger, more targeted results. Email Link Digg This! Add to Del.icio.us Design Professional Charts in PowerPoint- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Download Now! If you have attended any presentation incorporating PowerPoint, you know how annoying those poorly made charts can be (you know, the ones where you can't make immediate sense out of the bars and numbers). But you can easily avoid these built-in presentation flaws by becoming aware of a few basic "information design" guidelines that help make the numbers talk and keep the fluff from confusing your audience. Join Citrix for a Webcast to start learning these PowerPoint... GoToWebinar Sneak Peak for Training Professionals- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Download Now! 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