PubFeeds (industrial_manufacturing category feed) for PubFeeds (industrial_manufacturing category feed) for forexautomatonPlant Engineering- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Subscribe Free! Every month, Plant Engineering delivers job-oriented, problem-solving information about the equipment and services used daily by plant engineers in the manufacturing industries.Plant Engineering's dedication to its readers' interests and needs has made it the best-read publication in its field for more than 30 years. Email Link Digg This! Add to Del.icio.us Automation World- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Subscribe Free! Automation World reports on innovative manufacturing automation strategies and applications. Featured are implementations that maximize return on automation, news, products, and technology. Regular departments include business, IT, and control system skills. Special reports on safety and security, industrial Ethernet, performance management and packaging automation keep readers well-informed. Email Link Digg This! Add to ... Warehouse Management System Overview- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Download Now! Learn how Warehouse Management System (WMS) enables organizations to control and track movement and storage of materials through the warehouse and provides managers with the critical information necessary to make daily business decisions that directly impact customers, suppliers and business profitability. In this webinar session you will experience how inventory is controlled and tracked through the warehouse and how material updates are automatically provided.Register... Electronic Chemicals News- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Subscribe Free! Electronic Chemicals News covers business developments in the electronic chemicals industry, including in-depth looks at the strategies and financial performance of industry leaders. Read the latest corporate news in the LCD and flat panel display markets, chip manufacturing, superconductivity, nanotechnology, advance polymers and other specialty chemicals. This two-month trial subscription includes 4 free issues. Email Link Digg This! Add to.. Materials Today- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Subscribe Free! Materials Today is the international magazine for all researchers with an interest in materials science and technology. In each issue, peer-refereed review articles explore the latest findings and examine areas for future research. Leading scientists offer their views with freshly commissioned opinion pieces, providing real insight into the challenges and successes of materials science at the leading edge. The news section makes essential reading, keeping researchers... Newsletter- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Subscribe Free! The e-newsletter is dedicated to informing buyers and suppliers about the latest news and product information in global industrial manufacturing. Geared toward industrial procurement and purchasing agents, engineers, corporate managers, and manufacturingsupply chain professionals, this monthly e-newsletter delivers product news, supplier announcements, and the latest trends and best practices in global industrial manufacturing to help you make educated... The Visible Supply Chain: Ensuring End-to-End Optimization- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Download Now! The essence of supply chain visibility is the ability to know the location and status of all physical components, from raw materials to finished goods, as they move from suppliers through the stages of production to delivery to customers. Today's supply chain is the primary processing mechanism of every manufacturing company. Supply chain visibility is a tall order, but some of today's IT systems can meet it. This paper describes the characteristics of a visible supply... "Pulp & Paper International- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Subscribe Free! Pulp & Paper International has been the leading magazine for pulp, paper, and paperboard manufacturers in Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa since 1959. Known for exclusive in-depth market reports such as the Top 100, Pulp & Paper International provides readers with a deep understanding of the issues that form the driving forces of the industry. The Brussels-based editorial staff is supported by an extensive network of national editors, analysts and other contacts... Fulfilling the Promise of Distributed Manufacturing- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Download Now! Accelerate time-to-value and lower your total cost of ownership with the only comprehensive solution for managing manufacturing operations with embedded Lean and Six Sigma. Built on the SAP NetWeaver platform, SAP Manufacturing connects seamlessly with your entire enterprise, including your current plant floor infrastructure. The SAP Manufacturing solution gives discrete manufacturers functionality to:Coordinate operations with partners and suppliersDetect and resolve... Lean Maintenance: Best Practices to Turn Asset Management Into a Profit-Center- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Download Now! Lean is the elimination of enterprise waste, the streamlining of processes to increase productivity, and the more efficient use of capital assets and valued personnel in the pursuit of continuously improving bottom lines. It is common knowledge that asset downtime disrupts production and drives up both process and per unit operating costs. The irony is that companies can use asset performance management in implementing lean maintenance techniques not only to make more... |