PubFeeds (engineering category feed) for PubFeeds (engineering category feed) for forexautomatonSemiconductor CFOs Focus on Gross Margin, Market Cap, and Revenue Recognition- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Download Now! In recent years, more semiconductor and component manufacturer CFOs have acknowledged that margin improvement through cost reduction delivers diminishing value, while front-end processes in sales, pricing, contracts, and channel incentives can have an equal if not greater impact on improving gross margin. Semiconductor and component manufacturer CFOs are taking center stage in initiating Revenue Management projects and demanding these projects present business and... Interference Technology- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Subscribe Free! Interference Technology is the information source for engineering professionals working with interference problems: preventing EMI (electromagnetic interference) and achieving EMC (electromagnetic compatibility). Interference Technology publishes a weekly e-newsletter and three annual guidesreference directories focusing on EMC design, standards updates, and testing methods. The printed guides also contain case studies, practical design articles, and directories of... Scientific Computing World- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Subscribe Free! Scientific Computing World is Europe's only publication dedicated to the computing and information technology needs of professionals working in science and engineering. The bi-monthly magazine covers all aspects of scientific computing, from the ways in which the latest software is revolutionizing research to the practicalities of new product installations. With a 15-year track record of editorial excellence and more than 80,000 readers, Scientific Computing World is the. Chip Scale Review- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Subscribe Free! Produced eight times a year for engineers, R&D, manufacturing specialists, and end-users of semiconductor packaging worldwide, Chip Scale Review covers the chip-scale packaging market with thoroughness unmatched by any other journal. The mission of Chip Scale Review is to promote the growth of semiconductor packaging technologies that influence design assembly and manufacturing using chip-scale electronics. Sign up now to take advantage of this free... EE Times Asia- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Subscribe Free! EE Times Asia serves the electronic engineering community by delivering the latest industry and technology trends and explaining how those trends impact the engineering realities of the region. EE Times Asia fills the engineering community's on-going need for trends-analysis and "how-to" application that can be referenced again and again. By delivering relevant information at a time and in a format that's appropriate to this community's current design needs, EE Times... Free On-Demand Webinar: General CE Mark Overview- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Download Now! Do you import products into the European Union or the European Free Trade Area Find out if your product must carry the CE Mark to meet legal requirements. Who Should AttendAll those who have an interest in learning the basics of CE Mark requirements, including but not limited to:Compliance and regulatory managers and engineers, Company management, Design managers and engineers, Purchasing and contract review personnel.What Will You LearnWhat CE Marking isThe legal... NASA Tech Briefs- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Subscribe Free! This monthly magazine features exclusive reports of innovations developed by NASA and its industry partners that can be applied to develop new and improved products and solve engineering or manufacturing problems. Authored by the engineers or scientists who did the work, the briefs span a wide array of fields, including electronics, physical sciences, materials, computer software, mechanics, machineryautomation, manufacturingfabrication, mathematicsinformation sciences,.. Control Engineering- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Subscribe Free! Control Engineering is the must-read information source for engineering decision makers in the global control, instrumentation, and automation marketplace. For more than five decades, Control Engineering has been providing premier information on technology, products, news, and trends in processing, discrete, and hybrid manufacturing industries. Each issue provides the right balance of editorial to keep you on top of the latest industry developments. Email... Aerospace Manufacturing and Design- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Subscribe Free! Aerospace Manufacturing and Design provides up-to-date information on the latest developments in materials, manufacturing processes, and design principals for the machining and assembly of components in today's fast growing aviation sector. Aerospace Manufacturing and Design delves into all aspects of the production of commercial, military, and private aircraft and new equipment, informing manufacturers about the latest technology and enabling them to produce products... LEDs Magazine- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Subscribe Free! LEDs Magazine, the leading global information source on the technology and applications of LEDs, is a bimonthly publication available by FREE subscription as an electronic (PDF) download. The magazine contains technical articles, case studies, application notes, product information, business and financial news, and a wide variety of other information relevant to the LED industry. Email Link Digg This! Add to Del.icio.us |