The KMPlayer's Forums - 2,3,4,21,24,25,30,31Directshow based all in one player written by delphi from scratchcan't get the radio to play- September 13, 2008 hi anyone know how i can get my radio to play live streams. i've tried with various dif media players but i can't connect direct to the site. i can enter the url into the player and it connects but it just wont play when i try direct from the web site. ta much Two requests for playlist- September 12, 2008 hi, it will be very useful if the KMP can sort a playlist by track length and KMP always plays an active playlist, and it is impossible to edit a playlist without making it active; so it will be very useful if I can edit the active playlist while KMP is playing another playlist in the background. this can be achieved if I can tell KMP to play a particular playlist irrespective of its current... Minimize buttont does not work (!)- September 12, 2008 Hello everybody, It is my pleasure to say that I switched to The Kmplayer right at the moment I gave it a tray from GOM Player. Now I'm experiencing one fancy problem and it as follows: I cannot minimize KMPlayer by mouse-clicking at "Minimize" button at KMplayer's main menu (while mouse-click on the icon at the taskbar will do the job). This has accompanying consequence that Boss Key isn't... Catalan translation- September 12, 2008 Hello there! If there is no one translating KMPlayer into catalan (ca-AD, ca-ES, etc...) I'll start now. If someone reads this and wants to contribute, please, contact to me. Thanks :) Player crashes and gives error 00775f4d - the cause is Winamp- September 12, 2008 Hello, I recently installed km-player (version Beta) from Softonic ( When i started the program it just crashed and gave error 00775f4d. First i thought this might have something to do with external decoders, so i uninstalled all of them, and the program did work. But this morning i couldn't start it up again. I noticed, however, that winamp ... |