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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for May 2008

It was rated eight and onehalf horsepower - May 14, 2008

It was rated eight and one-half horse-power; but, as every one knows, American machines are overrated as a rule, while foreign machines are greatly underrated. A twelve horse-power American machine may mean not more than eight or ten; a twelve horse-power French machine, with its four cylinders, means not less than sixteen. The foreign manufacturer ...

At Syracuse the New York Central passes through - May 10, 2008

At Syracuse the New York Central passes through the principal hotels,&8211;the main tracks bisecting the dining-rooms, with side tracks down each corridor and a switch in each bed-room; but this is an extreme instance. It was well enough in olden times to open taverns on the highways; an occasional coach would furnish the novelty and ...

The complaint is so often heard - May 8, 2008

The complaint is so often heard, and seems so well founded, that there is a growing inclination, not only among men of social position, but also among our best and cleverest citizens, to stand aloof from public life, and this reluctance on their part is so unfortunate, that one feels impelled to seek out the ...

Neither does it mean a hook on the end of the rod - May 5, 2008

Neither does it mean a hook on the end of the rod. A threaded end with a bearing washer, and a nut and a lock-nut to Watches. hold the washer in place, is about the only effective means, and it is simple and cheap. Nothing is as good for this purpose as plain round ...

Post and Hugh - May 3, 2008

Post and Hugh. Surely, you had not forgotten that they live in Washington. Hugh has finished college and has a position in the Forestry Department. I had a note from him this morning.&8221; &8220;And didnt tell! Oh, Ruth!&8221; teased Grace Carter. &8220;But, Bab, what about our Lenox friends, who spend their winters in Washington&8221; &8220;You ...
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