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Feed items 1 - 9 of 9 for September 2008 PubFeeds (purchasing_procurement category feed) for forexautomaton PubFeeds (purchasing_procurement category feed) for forexautomaton

A Complete Software Evaluation Guide for Small to Medium-Sized Wholesaler-Distributors - (Found September 17, 2008 )

Download Now! Researched and written for real-world distributors by Sage Software, the Distribution Software Evaluation Guide addresses the concerns and expectations you are likely to face when evaluating a new distribution software system. Learn how to analyze your business needs and evaluate vendors and software. Familiarize yourself with the installation process from selecting to utilization, including transitioning software systems, and gain a firm understanding of costs and...

Cost Justifying Warehouse Management Technologies - (Found September 17, 2008 )

Download Now! This must-read guide contains valuable information on how to select the right warehouse management software to meet your company's specific needs. In today's competitive marketplace, the primary focus of many organizations is to reduce the costs associated with operations and customer service. This complimentary kit, "Cost Justifying Warehouse Management Technologies," from Sage Software provides some proven methods to reduce this cost.

News & reviews for clinical laboratories - (Found September 17, 2008 )

Subscribe Free! Medical Laboratory Observer promotes excellence in clinical laboratories through monthly CE courses, peer-reviewed articles, and new product reviews. MLO's editorial content draws a readership focused on lab issues - from clinical news to lab safety, legislation, continuing education, liability, and professional development.

New pub offers strategies for sourcing people, processes, and technologies - (Found September 17, 2008 )

Subscribe Free! Global Services caters to the knowledge needs of outsourcing professionals, bringing together the expertise of Global Outsourcing, Managing Offshore, BpOrbit and Outsourcing Pipeline under a single Global Services brand.Each issue includes coverage of important sourcing issues and areas of professional development in law, sourcing strategy, HRO, market research, destination selection, and more.

Magazine for procurement officers and supply chain executives - (Found September 17, 2008 )

Subscribe Free! Published 19 times per year, Purchasing magazine serves procurement and buying professionals by providing the latest market forecasts, supply chain tactics, technologies and detailed articles on how the best and brightest buy.

New publication targets lab managers - (Found September 17, 2008 )

Subscribe Free! Set to debut in AprilMay 2006, Lab Manager Magazine will address lab managers and other decision makers in their dual roles as scientists and managers.This bi-monthly publication, designed to help readers balance effective administrative practices with superior scientific techniques, will cover management, technology, and equipment issues common to lab professionals across all sectors.

Military & Aerospace Electronics Europe - (Found September 17, 2008 )

Subscribe Free! Military & Aerospace Electronics Europe provides timely and authoritative technical information for designing rugged, highly reliable electronic and optoelectronic systems for the European defense community. With an emphasis on chip, board-level, subsystems, and systems integration issues, MAE Europe offers news, analysis, case studies, real-world applications of new products, design & procurement trends, and more.

CSCO magazine speaks to supply chain execs - (Found September 17, 2008 )

Subscribe Free! Chief Supply Chain Officer magazine is written for executive-level strategic decision-makers at mid-to large-sized companies who have enterprise-wide responsibility for their manufacturing and logistics operations. Coverage includes planning, outsourcing, technology, big players, best practices, and other topics of interest to execs at the top of the supply chain. Geographic Eligibility: USA Publisher: Helmers Publishing

MilCots Digest - (Found September 17, 2008 )

Subscribe Free! Fills the void in bringing COTS products and technology to engineers, engineering managers, and program managers in a concise, new product tabloid format. MilCots Digest is dedicated exclusively to presenting electronic products that are either designed for or can be adapted for use in aerospace and defense systems. These products, often called "commercial-off-the-shelf", include all types of embedded subsystems, active and passive components, semiconductors, ICs, power..
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- September (9 items)
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