PubFeeds (insurance category feed) for PubFeeds (insurance category feed) for forexautomatonRapid Product Rollout in Financial Services- September 17, 2008 Download Now! Rapid product training and increasing sales revenue are immediate challenges to the financial services industry. Discover how Financial Services organizations are accelerating these business processes through web collaboration.This white paper shows how Financial Services organizations have reported significant gains in the following areas:Decreased time-to-market.Improved effectiveness of training.Increased cost savings.Web collaboration provides these competitive... Accelerate business processes through web collaboration- September 17, 2008 Download Now! In this WebEx white paper, Impacting Business with Online Training, you will learn how multiple financial services organizations have rapidly and effectively trained a globally dispersed audience and gain insight into how WebEx is helping to create an e-learning ecosystem that offers complete solutions to streamline the process of making critical business knowledge available to the right people at the right time. The role of data integration in a service-oriented architecture- September 17, 2008 Download Now! As business and IT managers assess strategies for the service-oriented architecture (SOA), it is crucial to recognize the role that data integration plays in enabling an SOA to deliver on its potential.This white paper examines how an enterprise data integration platform enriches a service oriented architectureand how an SOA provides an ideal framework for data integration technology. After reading this white paper, you'll understand:The IT and business drivers behind... Technology news for the insurance and financial services marketplace- September 17, 2008 Subscribe Free! Written for top-level insurance technology and business professionals, TechDecisions for Insurance: Delivers the latest intelligence on implementations and solutions,Addresses key issues and challenges driving the business domestically and globally,Discusses technology initiatives meeting those challenges, andProvides useful insights into emerging technologies and new directions for the industry. Three papers from SSA explore inbound, outbound, and demand-driven marketing,- September 17, 2008 Download Now! Three new white papers from SSA Global offer marketing insights for the financial, manufacturing, and insurance industries. In Financial Services Case Study: HSBC Mexico, learn how HSBC Mexico - one of the fastest growing financial institutions in Mexico - has achieved dramatic results by integrating outbound marketing technology from SSA into its CRM processes, growing customer retention rates from 77 to 90 percent and generating 23,000 new accounts worth a total of $55... MCOL offers free managed care info via newsletters and subscriber-only site- September 17, 2008 Subscribe Free! Managed Care On-Line (MCOL) delivers daily managed care & health management business information via a package of valuable e-newsletters and a subscriber-only web site. MCOL's e-newsletters include managed care and health management career info, conference listings, factoids, monthly news summaries, how-to abstracts and the HealthExecWire. Your subscription also includes access to the subscriber-only web site, with a wide variety of online news, data, and tools. Free three-month trial to Business Insurance magazine- September 17, 2008 Subscribe Free! If you qualify, you'll receive a free, 3 month trial subscription to Business Insurance, the trusted voice of the commercial insurance marketplace. Readers depend on Business Insurance for news coverage of risk management and risk financing, employee benefits management, workers comp and rehabilitation, commercial insurance and reinsurance, major commercial insurance claim settlements, as well as legal, legislative and regulatory developments. Improving Business Processes in Financial Services- September 17, 2008 Download Now! In key financial-services sectors like brokerage, banking, and insurance, regulatory pressures and competition are rising while customers are crying for personalized service. For many organizations, process management is key to customer retention, compliance, and efficiencybut it must be done right, by giving employees closest to these processes the power to find bottlenecks and recommend improvements. See how Fortune 1000 companies across the financial-services spectrum... 9 Indicators that it's Time to Replace Your Commission System- September 17, 2008 Download Now! An underperforming commission system can be a huge financial drain for an insurance carrier. Overpayment rates are estimated to range from 2% to 8%, resulting in a loss of $20,000 to $80,000 for every million dollars in commissions paid. Use these 9 indicators to know if it's time to replace your commission system. Email Link Digg This! Add to Del.icio.us Six Essentials to Increase Cross-Selling and Up-Selling Revenues for Insurance Services- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Download Now! This Contact Center Strategy Guide introduces the six essential strategies contact centers in the insurance servcies industry must adopt to advance from basic cross-selling activities to the level of dynamic cross-selling and realize the cost efficiencies and revenue benefits such a change can deliver. Email Link Digg This! Add to Del.icio.us |