Atlanta Home Staging CompanyAtlanta Georgia Home Stager, Home staging company in Atlanta Georgia, Real Estate Staging Company in Atlanta Georgia, Atlanta Georgia Home Staging, Staging Your Home in Atlanta Georgia, Marietta Georgia Home Staging, Marietta Georgia Home StagerHome Staging Testimonial - Front and Center & Never Edited- September 12, 2008 As a home staging professional serving Atlanta Georgia, I've come to learn first-hand the importance of having a great portfolio as well as a great testimonial. As a result, I've made it a habit to ensure I update my web site with recent pictures. I also add the latest testimonial front and center on my home page for a couple of reasons: 1) I'm more confident that it will be read and 2) I'm proud of my work. And while I'm often given the liberty of editing. Behind This Line is Fine- September 12, 2008 Because the art of communicating is so critically important, I decided to retool a previous post I had made regarding communicating the need for changes to the homelisting. Whether you're an Realtoragent, a professional home stager or even a friend, there's a fine line we walk when it comes time to suggest the need for improvements to a home. As the picture suggests, staying behind the line is fine. Crossing over it can sometimes lead to treacherous water. So why is it... The Buyers Didn't Walk! They Put An Offer In On the Home!- September 9, 2008 In my post titled Are Your Prospective Buyers Walking Or Lingering I had the good pleasure of sharing photos of one of my more recent projects. I received word today from the home owner that the home received an offer. I'm thrilled as this is the 2nd home in this same neighborhood that prior to staging had just lingered on the market. The homeowners' note was just a reminder of just how effective home staging can have on a home. And here's another recent project: This is the... What Rooms Should Be Home Staged- September 9, 2008 It's a fair question and one I'm asked frequently. In fact, on the two appointments I had this morning both homeowners had asked that very question. And because it's an important question, I thought it beneficial to add that many home stagers offer a variety of options from which to select. A home staging professional will also provide specific recommendations on what rooms would benefit the most. This typically occurs after they've had a chance to see the home first-hand. Now. |