Technology ( re Technology, gathered by BenefitsLink.comGoogle Health Offers a Great Service But Brings Serious Privacy Risks- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Excerpt: "The service holds real promise to help people take control of their health records, as does a similar offering from Microsoft calledHealthVault. They could also help streamline health care and contain costs. But until two major privacy concerns are fixed, I have to suggest holding off on using either one." (PC World via The Washington Post; free registration required) CBO Questions Savings From Digital Health-Care Records- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Excerpt: "Although the CBO found the potential for savings under certain circumstances -- particularly when information technology was combined with broader reforms -- it found that the technology by itself was typically unlikely to generate sizable financial benefits. 'By itself, it's generally not sufficient' to reduce costs, said CBO Director Peter Orszag." (The Wall Street Journal via Physicians for a National Health Program) Guidance Overview HIPAA National Provider Identifier Compliance Date Arrives- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Excerpt: "Effective May 23, covered entities must use National Provider Identifiers (NPIs) to identify health care providers in electronic transactions for which the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued standards per the HIPAA Transactions Rule (i.e., standard transactions)." (Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP) OPM Suspends Contract for Electronic Retirement System- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Excerpt: "The Office of Personnel Management has suspended a 10-year, $290 million contract awarded to Hewitt Associates to create a new electronic retirement system. Two federal sources who requested anonymity said on Thursday that OPM Director Linda Springer decided late Wednesday to suspend the contract with Hewitt, a human resources consulting company based in Lincolnshire, Ill. Under the contract, Hewitt would create a database that would allow employees to view their work history and. Opinion American Benefits CouncilICI Comment Letter to DOL on Electronic Delivery of ERISA Disclosures (PDF)- (Found July 2, 2008 ) 5 pages. (American Benefits Council) Health Information Technology Legislation Stalled by Privacy Concerns- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Excerpt: "'Privacy concerns have loomed over the health IT initiative since early efforts' in 2005, according to CQ Today. Consumer privacy advocates have expressed concerns that electronic health records would be easier to steal or disclose accidentally and that employers could use the information to discriminate against potential employees with certain health conditions." (Kaiser Family Foundation) Microsoft Explains HealthVault Strategy- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Excerpt: "With comparisons to both Microsoft's Xbox platform and the PayPal online payment platform, Microsoft aims to correct common misperceptions about its HealthVault platform. . . . HealthVault . . . aggregates personal health information, but allows consumers to control access to the information along with the sharing of their own health information. HealthVault also enables consumers to collaborate with caregivers and connect to new sources of health information." (eWeek) Evidence on the Costs and Benefits of Health Information Technology (PDF)- (Found July 2, 2008 ) 48 pages. Excerpt: "Many people believe that health information technology (health IT) has the potential to transform the practice of health care by reducing costs and improving quality. In this paper, prepared at the request of the Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) examines the evidence on the costs and benefits of health information technology, possible barriers to a broader distribution and use of it in hospitals and clinicians' offices, and.. Guidance Overview Congress Passes Legislation Prohibiting Genetic Discrimination by Health Plans and Employers- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Excerpt: "The legislation amends the HIPAA portability rules in ERISA, the PHSA, and the Code, adding new provisions regarding genetic information that will apply to group health plans and insurance issuers offering group health insurance coverage, as well as provisions for insurance issuers in the individual market. It also requires amendments to the HIPAA privacy regulations and prohibits discrimination in the workplace on the basis of genetic information." (Employee Benefits... Kaiser Completes National Installation of Outpatient Electronic Health Record System- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Excerpt: "Kaiser Permanente said Monday that all of its 8.7 million enrollees in nine states and the District of Columbia have access to HealthConnect, an outpatient electronic health record Kaiser says is the world's largest privately funded EHR." (San Francisco Business Times via; free registration required)^163080... |